addle = make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy;
become rotten (egg)
haggle = argue about prices (in an attempt to bargain)
pious = devout; religious; N. piety
lewd = lustful
imbroglio = complicated situation (as in a play); painful
or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement;
confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil
stentorian = (of the voice) extremely loud; CF. Stentor: a
loud herald in the Iliad
overwhelm = (of water) cover completely; defeat completely
by much greater force; Ex. overwhelmed by grief
hypochondriac = person unduly worried about his
health; worrier without cause about illness; ADJ. CF.
hypochondria: neurosis that one is or is becoming ill;
CF. abdomen
confide = tell in confidence (to a person one trusts); be
confident about
steep = soak; saturate; Ex. steep the fabric in the dye bath;
ADJ: precipitous
fugitive = fleeting or transitory; lasting only a short time;
roving(wandering); running away or fleeing as from the
law; N: one who flees; Ex. fugitives at large
importune = beg persistently; make repeated requests (in
an annoying way)
august = impressive; majestic
oligarchy = government by a privileged few
ruffian = violent scoundrel; bully
obligatory = binding; required; compulsory; V. oblige:
constrain; make grateful; do a favor; accommodate
disquietude = uneasiness; anxiety; V. disquiet: make anxious
adversary = opponent; enemy
grueling = exhausting; Ex. grueling marathon race
dissection = analysis; cutting apart in order to examine
vivisection = act of dissecting living animals
equestrian = rider on horseback; ADJ.
wax = increase gradually (as the moon); grow
adventitious = accidental; casual; happening by chance
sarcasm = cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging
rebuke; ADJ. sarcastic
martyr = one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her
religion or cause; great sufferer; Ex. martyr to his
repast = meal; feast; banquet
ferret = drive or hunt out of hiding; hunt with ferrets;
drive out (as from a hiding place); expel; uncover or discover
by searching; Ex. ferret out the secret; N. small
fierce animal which catches rats and rabbits by going
into their holes
rue = regret; lament; mourn; Ex. He will rue the day; N.
ADJ. rueful
abide = dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate;
Ex. abide by the rules; Ex. I can.t abide rude people.
precarious = unsafe; lacking in stability; uncertain; risky;
Ex. precarious living
stun = make unconscious or numb as by a blow; amaze;
expedient = suitable (for a particular purpose although
not necessarily morally correct); practical;
politic(prudent); N: something expedient
gyroscope = apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain
direction, etc.
irremediable = incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to
shaving = very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a
surface with a sharp blade)
unbridled = violent; uncontrolled; Ex. unbridled
cogitate = think over; ponder
proselytize = (induce someone to) convert to a religion or
belief; N. proselyte: new convert to a doctrine or religion
amalgam = combination of different things; mixture of
metals (containing mercury) used for filling holes in
expansive = (of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad
and extensive; able to increase in size
gait = manner of walking or running; speed
connoisseur = person competent to act as a judge of art,
etc. (whose judgments are respected); a lover of an art
alloy = mixture as of metals; something added that lowers
in value or purity; V: mix; make less pure; lower
in value or quality; spoil; CF. unalloyed: not in mixture
with other maetals; pure; complete; unqualified; Ex. unalloyed
wizardry = sorcery; magic
abrasive = rubbing away; tending to grind down
swill = drink greedily
liability = drawback; handicap; debts; obligation; responsibility;
condition of being liable; ADJ. liable: likely; responsible
(for paying)
precipitant = something that causes a substance in a
chemical = solution to separate out in solid form; gË.]j;
OP. solvent
chastise = punish as by beating; criticize severely
effulgent = shining brightly; brilliant
lode = metal-bearing vein(long deposit of an ore)
impair = injure; hurt; damage
Elysium = place or condition of bliss
adamant = hard; inflexible
vicar = parish priest; representative
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