(1) enfranchise
1) admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote)
2) stupid
3) public declaration of principles
4) sustaining
(2) adjuration
1) solemn urging
2) assumption
3) lacking proper seriousness
4) dig out of the ground
(3) discretion
1) without feeling
2) lover of mankind
3) prudence
4) winding
(4) eccentric
1) irregular
2) held in common
3) in confusion
4) diligent attention
(5) lull
1) moment of calm
2) violation of a law
3) sound on judgment
4) fame
(6) overbearing
1) bossy
2) army unit made up of four or more companies
3) recover
4) bending of a ray of light
(7) atavism
1) approve formally
2) unchangeable
3) copy
4) resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
(8) delete
1) erase
2) neat and trim (in appearance)
3) assertion
4) steering wheel of a ship
(9) rostrum
1) small cavern
2) raised platform for speech-making
3) pertaining to the body
4) settle a dispute through the services of an outsider
(10) forfeit
1) dante) trusted friend (to whom one tells one's secret)
2) something surrendered as punishment for a crime or breach of contract
3) manner of walking or running
4) remainder
(11) miserly
1) place of refuge
2) stingy
3) weird
4) unsuccessful
(12) fussy
1) female fox
2) based on experience
3) exceeding ordinary limits
4) fastidious
(13) stanch
1) stop or check flow of blood
2) give in respectfully
3) pamphlet
4) do or give something in return
(14) constituency
1) dry up
2) voters represented by an elected official
3) condemn
4) messenger
(15) gnarl
1) protruding knot on a tree
2) lack of proper respect or reverence
3) picture writing
4) cule) extremely small
(16) unsavory
1) mix together
2) ardent
3) delicate
4) distasteful
(17) overture
1) me) gay
2) related to population balance
3) musical introduction to a long musical piece
4) subordinating the individual to the state
(18) deign
1) pass safely through (a storm or difficult period)
2) flexible
3) force into less space
4) condescend
(19) indentation
1) notch
2) beg persistently
3) dark
4) homesickness
(20) aver
1) steal things of small value
2) person unduly worried about his health
3) serving to warn
4) state confidently
(21) recant
1) like a spirit or fairy
2) refer indirectly
3) pay for services
4) disclaim or disavow
(22) welter
1) lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life
2) oppression
3) wallow (as in mud or high seas)
4) made up of a variety of parts
(23) knack
1) special talent
2) legal delay of payment or action
3) shining
4) unreal reflection
(24) dys-
1) abnormal
2) pedestal
3) favoring success
4) funeral song
(25) dwindle
1) causing great fear
2) not able to be perceived by touch
3) shrink
4) avoid habitually
(1)1 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)1 (6)1 (7)4 (8)1 (9)2 (10)2 (11)2 (12)4 (13)1 (14)2 (15)1 (16)4 (17)3 (18)4 (19)1 (20)4 (21)4 (22)3 (23)1 (24)1 (25)3