Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


(1) commemorate
1) social outcast
2) (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves)
3) honor the memory of
4) narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land

(2) academic
1) related to a school
2) suitable to debate or courts of law
3) lacking in spirit or energy
4) direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue)

(3) propulsive
1) hostile invasion
2) unable to compromise about points of doctrine
3) driving forward
4) designed to create ill will or envy

(4) browse
1) graze
2) operatic solo
3) having a common center
4) honor at a festival

(5) concave
1) sharpen
2) refine
3) bear fruit
4) hollow

(6) graphic
1) pertaining to the art of delineating
2) trunk of statue with head and limbs missing
3) graze
4) switch (a railroad car) to a siding

(7) countenance
1) whimsical
2) appease
3) thriftless
4) approve

(8) repercussion
1) rebound
2) meeting place
3) lack of proper respect or reverence
4) only slightly connected

(9) ruminate
1) reasoning
2) chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically)
3) distribute
4) cut off with shears

(10) ascertain
1) find out for certain
2) stipulation
3) mismanage
4) in utter disorder

(11) minion
1) servile dependent
2) prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country
3) eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal)
4) thick-skinned animal

(12) noisome
1) appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged, indistinct, or distorted form)
2) foul smelling
3) drowsy
4) bankrupt

(13) alloy
1) medieval chemistry
2) unpleasantly dark
3) comic misuse of a word
4) mixture as of metals

(14) luminary
1) good judgment with composure
2) bankrupt
3) celebrity (in a specific field)
4) acquire

(15) promiscuous
1) mixed indiscriminately
2) sudden flood or rush
3) behaving like a slave
4) long and thin

(16) gnarled
1) twisted
2) loud and harsh
3) stubborn
4) brief statement used to express a principle

(17) egotism
1) tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively
2) children
3) inflated
4) shyness

(18) aristocracy
1) hereditary nobility
2) particle removed by a file
3) quick clever reply
4) windy

(19) precipitous
1) dig into (to get stone)
2) steep
3) important in history
4) abundant

(20) sanguine
1) believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided
2) optimistic
3) underwater explosive apparatus
4) (of people or animals) sturdy

(21) nauseate
1) entirely acceptable
2) speak equivocally about an issue
3) vinegary
4) cause to become sick

(22) frantic
1) serious
2) bear one's self
3) travel about selling (wares)
4) wild

(23) sarcasm
1) distasteful
2) complete
3) cutting ironic remark
4) deviation from the normal

(24) exotic
1) questionable
2) error
3) bitter scolding or denunciation
4) not native

(25) spatula
1) give up (a position, right, or claim)
2) broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
3) easy to approach
4) stupid person

(1)3 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)4 (6)1 (7)4 (8)1 (9)2 (10)1 (11)1 (12)2 (13)4 (14)3 (15)1 (16)1 (17)1 (18)1 (19)2 (20)2 (21)4 (22)4 (23)3 (24)4 (25)2

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


(1) dereliction
1) neglect of duty
2) seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning
3) do drudgery
4) put in order

(2) monogram
1) walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement
2) braid
3) cause
4) design composed of one or more initials of a name

(3) amalgamate
1) difficult to understand
2) behavior
3) (of societies or groups) combine
4) process of nourishing or being nourished

(4) preamble
1) (of writing) flowing
2) unrefined
3) standards used in judging
4) introductory statement

(5) impervious
1) life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history
2) impenetrable
3) corpse
4) wet thoroughly

(6) homeostasis
1) shine erratically
2) tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium
3) like a meteor
4) draw

(7) taunt
1) excessive indulgence of one's own desire
2) deride or provoke
3) having importance
4) wordy

(8) obituary
1) ash-colored
2) either of the correlated things
3) death notice (esp. in a newspaper)
4) serving to assist

(9) papyrus
1) ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
2) broad
3) life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history
4) very carefully

(10) centrifuge
1) emancipate
2) one who is habitually cruel to weaker people
3) pretend
4) machine that separates substances by whirling them

(11) periphery
1) embezzle
2) outside edge especially of a round surface
3) trademark
4) failure to act

(12) interrogate
1) thought
2) question closely
3) set free
4) shining brightly

(13) squash
1) lose a small piece from the surface or edge
2) state confidently
3) copy
4) crush

(14) bombast
1) comic misuse of a word
2) grandiloquent, pompous speech
3) youthful
4) (of a person) unable to express what one really feels

(15) persist
1) trip
2) worsen
3) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing
4) continue in existence

(16) niggardly
1) point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
2) meanly stingy
3) unfriendliness
4) calm

(17) brittle
1) hard but easily broken
2) struggle confusedly
3) without exceptions
4) chatter rapidly or unintelligibly

(18) affinity
1) advantage
2) make (something written) false by changing
3) link as in a chain
4) feeling of kinship

(19) spruce
1) neat and trim in appearance
2) situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options
3) measure
4) feverish

(20) methodical
1) systematic
2) diagram of the positions of stars at a given moment (eg. of a person's birth) used by astrologers
3) evil
4) having many forms

(21) reverent
1) respectful
2) adopt
3) pertaining to the stars
4) nonstandard grammatical construction

(22) compensatory
1) making up for
2) (of a boat) turn over
3) apparatus for making sounds
4) storehouse

(23) unprepossessing
1) nonstandard grammatical construction
2) go down on one's knee(s)
3) unattractive
4) voters represented by an elected official

(24) epitaph
1) set off
2) corrupt morally
3) inscription in memory of a dead person (as on a tombstone)
4) mix together in close association

(25) regal
1) royal
2) one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
3) of the influence of the mind on the body (esp. with respect to disease)
4) meat of a deer

(1)1 (2)4 (3)3 (4)4 (5)2 (6)2 (7)2 (8)3 (9)1 (10)4 (11)2 (12)2 (13)4 (14)2 (15)4 (16)2 (17)1 (18)4 (19)1 (20)1 (21)1 (22)1 (23)3 (24)3 (25)1

Monday, September 28, 2009


(1) compile
1) assemble
2) forewarning
3) proverb
4) fitness

(2) waggish
1) painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)
2) undistinctive
3) humorous
4) excessively exacting

(3) peddle
1) done secretly
2) minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
3) travel about selling (wares)
4) rebound

(4) paradox
1) something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true)
2) life after death
3) composed
4) with identity concealed

(5) chapel
1) poison (of an animal)
2) small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)
3) having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
4) subordinating the individual to the state

(6) autonomous
1) person unduly worried about his health
2) sticky
3) word for word
4) self-governing

(7) don
1) put on
2) increase
3) reveal
4) (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent

(8) puzzle
1) unintelligible
2) reprimand
3) washing
4) baffle or confuse by a difficult problem

(9) edify
1) public revelation of something discreditable
2) torn piece of cloth
3) instruct
4) terms used in a science or art

(10) prize
1) indecent
2) talk dully
3) sink to a lower level
4) pry

(11) indulge
1) blessing
2) ) any gain above stipulated salary
3) related to monks or monasteries
4) yield to

(12) hirsute
1) hairy
2) malleable
3) impossible to reconcile
4) having a common origin

(13) scheme
1) correct spelling
2) arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)
3) systematic plan
4) lack of caring

(14) hindsight
1) squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other edges
2) understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened
3) freeze
4) tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar

(15) straggle
1) oversimplified
2) essence
3) introductory
4) stray or fall behind (a main group)

(16) pass\'e
1) candid
2) of sound or its speed in air
3) of different colors
4) old-fashioned

(17) suavity
1) be violently disturbed
2) urbanity
3) sweet sound
4) excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife

(18) stem_from
1) holding tenaciously to an action
2) worthless products of an endeavor
3) arise from
4) tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar

(19) discerning
1) bearlike
2) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
3) mentally quick and observant
4) ancestor

(20) wily
1) decode
2) practical
3) crafty
4) horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain

(21) epoch
1) postpone
2) damp
3) antiquated
4) period of time

(22) weird
1) yield (to something overwhelming)
2) eerie
3) become unsteady and fall down
4) be next to

(23) matriculate
1) strong emotion
2) enroll (in college or graduate school)
3) unfairness
4) (esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious

(24) acknowledge
1) recognize
2) something taken for granted
3) supplement to the body of a will
4) (of a plant or grass) growing very well

(25) braggadocio
1) individual trait usually odd in nature
2) of or like a slave
3) courting favor by cringing and flattering
4) boasting

(1)1 (2)3 (3)3 (4)1 (5)2 (6)4 (7)1 (8)4 (9)3 (10)4 (11)4 (12)1 (13)3 (14)2 (15)4 (16)4 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)3 (21)4 (22)2 (23)2 (24)1 (25)4

Sunday, September 27, 2009


(1) chagrin
1) annoyance and disappointment
2) disturb the composure of
3) take off
4) state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

(2) historic
1) important in history
2) indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said)
3) boredom
4) talkative boaster

(3) decrepit
1) characteristic frame of mind
2) model
3) weak and in bad condition from old age or hard use
4) use of force to get someone to object

(4) luster
1) deprived of (something valuable)
2) shine
3) suppress
4) given freely

(5) well-bred
1) one who is introspective or inclined to think more about oneself
2) of good upbringing
3) put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles
4) of this earth

(6) bruise
1) injure without breaking the skin
2) regulation requiring all people to leave the streets at stated times
3) hindrance
4) separate

(7) courier
1) arrest (a criminal)
2) surround
3) messenger
4) made for practical use only (without decoration)

(8) cringe
1) belief that life is basically bad or evil
2) resulting from compulsion
3) disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group
4) shrink back as if in fear

(9) umbrage
1) excessively careful (with great attention to detail)
2) dissenting (with an opinion, a group, or a government)
3) resentment
4) (of a building or vehicle) poorly constructed

(10) dignitary
1) reckon
2) person of high rank or position
3) preceding events that influence what comes later
4) severe trial or affliction

(11) garnish
1) decorate
2) justification
3) negligent
4) natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else)

(12) embody
1) give a bodily form to
2) behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm
3) fragrant
4) formal essay

(13) simile
1) comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
2) supporter
3) pertaining to the brain or intellect
4) lying

(14) chasten
1) endanger
2) wrestle
3) discipline
4) upstart

(15) amicable
1) voters represented by an elected official
2) peaceful
3) impartial
4) abstract

(16) boor
1) take apart
2) rude, insensitive person
3) whimsical
4) move back suddenly

(17) truism
1) superfluous
2) urging
3) self-evident truth
4) devoutness

(18) exasperate
1) of or like an uncle
2) vex
3) disagreeably aggressive
4) producing tears

(19) substantial
1) of or suffering rabies
2) of substance
3) small speck (esp. of dust)
4) invulnerable

(20) ardor
1) heat
2) formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears
3) court of justice
4) indisputable

(21) homogeneous
1) of the same kind
2) convenient features that helps to make life pleasant
3) fierce
4) certainty

(22) solicit
1) looking back on the past
2) entreat
3) mak less severe
4) exclamation

(23) lancet
1) chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically)
2) treacherous
3) sociable
4) small surgical tool for making incisions

(24) forgo(forego)
1) unalterable
2) give up
3) made of inferior material
4) enormous

(25) proviso
1) turn into a god
2) transform
3) stipulation
4) impending

(1)1 (2)1 (3)3 (4)2 (5)2 (6)1 (7)3 (8)4 (9)3 (10)2 (11)1 (12)1 (13)1 (14)3 (15)2 (16)2 (17)3 (18)2 (19)2 (20)1 (21)1 (22)2 (23)4 (24)2 (25)3

Saturday, September 26, 2009


(1) perverse
1) on or relating to the earth
2) crown
3) purposely continuing to do something wrong
4) prominent

(2) hubbub
1) clothe
2) confused uproar
3) hairstyle
4) teachings in general

(3) extradition
1) silent
2) stray or fall behind (a main group)
3) surrender of prisoner by one state to another
4) decisive

(4) devious
1) roundabout
2) pretense of ignorance of something wrong
3) make or become confused
4) hot sweet dish

(5) sartorial
1) in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude
2) pour off gently (wine or liquid)
3) sorrowful
4) pertaining to tailors or tailoring

(6) aegis
1) scholarly article
2) phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
3) acal) fiendish
4) shield

(7) categorical
1) ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living
2) without exceptions
3) conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive
4) (of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible

(8) vagrant
1) homeless wanderer
2) make or move with a deep rolling sound (as thunder or stomach)
3) irreverence
4) strange

(9) insightful
1) discerning
2) irritate
3) bantering
4) husk

(10) turbulence
1) cancel
2) state of violent agitation
3) vice
4) path of the sun and the planets

(11) monolithic
1) readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others
2) ridicule
3) not applicable
4) solidly uniform

(12) tantrum
1) enough
2) fit of bad temper
3) unselfishly generous
4) empty

(13) snicker
1) payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce
2) formidable
3) (derog.) bestow courtesies with a superior air
4) half-stifled(suppressed) laugh

(14) practicable
1) feasible
2) mysterious
3) drifting wreckage
4) surrender of prisoner by one state to another

(15) conspire
1) shabby and dirty
2) handed) done slyly and secretly (being dishonest)
3) take part in a conspiracy
4) father and ruler of a family or tribe

(16) histrionic
1) ideal place, state, or society
2) theatrical
3) feel or express pity or sympathy for
4) imitation

(17) engross
1) be violently disturbed
2) producing offspring or fruit in abundance
3) person who turns animal hides into leather
4) occupy fully

(18) adamant
1) loyalty
2) set right
3) hard
4) compelling immediate action

(19) treatise
1) expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc.
2) in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord
3) leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist)
4) article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly

(20) subaltern
1) nourish
2) subordinate
3) squabble
4) conventions

(21) impugn
1) introductory
2) burden
3) spotless
4) dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way)

(22) rusticate
1) banish to the country
2) pointed tool used for piercing
3) ars) ancestors
4) with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct)

(23) visceral
1) felt in one's inner organs
2) sleep lightly
3) act of finding oneself in society
4) idealistic but impractical

(24) senility
1) examination of a dead body
2) shove
3) old age
4) word or signal (as in a play to prompt another actor's speech or entrance)

(25) lassitude
1) clever in deceiving
2) affectedly grand
3) languor
4) without feeling

(1)3 (2)2 (3)3 (4)1 (5)4 (6)4 (7)2 (8)1 (9)1 (10)2 (11)4 (12)2 (13)4 (14)1 (15)3 (16)2 (17)4 (18)3 (19)4 (20)2 (21)4 (22)1 (23)1 (24)3 (25)3

Friday, September 25, 2009


(1) indelible
1) defensive mound of earth
2) sear
3) free
4) not able to be erased

(2) humus
1) ridicule
2) solemn urging
3) property inherited from a father
4) substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter

(3) inimical
1) (of someone) unfriendly
2) one who harvests grain
3) indulge
4) of a sect

(4) falter
1) tending or leaning toward
2) dependent on something uncertain or in the future
3) hesitate
4) kindly

(5) rigor
1) place of origin
2) consecrate
3) severity
4) army unit made up of four or more companies

(6) growl
1) low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog)
2) changeable (in affections or friendship)
3) strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound
4) occurring again and again

(7) amiss
1) wrong
2) conceited smile
3) resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents
4) loiter

(8) conception
1) mass of material sticking together
2) poem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead)
3) division of a long poem
4) beginning

(9) sporadic
1) occurring irregularly
2) logically convincing
3) raised mark from a beating or whipping
4) ghost

(10) inconsistency
1) pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
2) disobedient
3) silly
4) state of being self-contradictory

(11) fiasco
1) total failure
2) demand and obtain by force
3) outward demonstration
4) grieve

(12) resourceful
1) wandering
2) clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult situations)
3) childish
4) natural inclination

(13) pedagogue
1) part that forms the end
2) deep prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease, poison, or a severe blow
3) teacher
4) steal another's ideas or writings and pass them off as one's own

(14) atone
1) destroy completely
2) noisy quarrel
3) comfort in sorrow or trouble
4) make amends for

(15) deducible
1) destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period)
2) engrossed in matters of this earth
3) incurable
4) derived by reasoning

(16) converge
1) unconquerable
2) separated
3) approach
4) irritate

(17) shirk
1) avoid (responsibility, work, etc.)
2) person designated to execute the terms of a will
3) irritate
4) wandering (esp. in search of adventure)

(18) remorse
1) show clearly
2) n) large kettle
3) confuse
4) deep regret for wrongdoing

(19) shoddy
1) merry
2) made of inferior material
3) one who is habitually cruel to weaker people
4) flow in drops or in a thin stream

(20) transient
1) constituting
2) (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating)
3) staying for a short time
4) worsen

(21) fertile
1) producing many young, fruits, or seeds
2) substitute
3) lying on back
4) curse

(22) enterprising
1) full of initiative
2) equality
3) favoring success
4) prudence

(23) projectile
1) missile
2) surmise
3) of glass
4) serious speech, writing, or conversation

(24) executor
1) deep
2) person designated to execute the terms of a will
3) manner of walking or running
4) swirling current of water, air, etc.

(25) reconnaissance
1) reject disdainfully
2) survey of enemy by soldiers
3) items of business at a meeting
4) puzzle

(1)4 (2)4 (3)1 (4)3 (5)3 (6)1 (7)1 (8)4 (9)1 (10)4 (11)1 (12)2 (13)3 (14)4 (15)4 (16)3 (17)1 (18)4 (19)2 (20)3 (21)1 (22)1 (23)1 (24)2 (25)2

Thursday, September 24, 2009


(1) bivouac
1) (of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking
2) temporary encampment
3) sour
4) become less severe

(2) cognitive
1) exhausting
2) having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes
3) feather, esp. large or showy one
4) reprimand

(3) indefatigable
1) smooth and shining (as from good health)
2) having a common origin
3) spur
4) tireless

(4) decadence
1) low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog)
2) particle removed by a file
3) decay
4) sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing)

(5) abscond
1) depart secretly and hide
2) well-bred
3) assist usually in doing something wrong
4) one who builds or works with stone or brick

(6) indeterminate
1) slow gallop
2) uncertain
3) tending to improve
4) wretch

(7) drama
1) prose or verse composition to be performed by actors
2) without attention to comfort
3) dante) trusted friend (to whom one tells one's secret)
4) extraordinary ability

(8) mendacious
1) moral correctness
2) brother or sister
3) lying
4) put into effect

(9) spectral
1) hide
2) ghostly
3) small weakness of character
4) slope

(10) slacken
1) slow up
2) change position or place
3) promoting a particular point of view
4) plants of a region or era

(11) bastion
1) stronghold
2) emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke)
3) highly successful action or sudden attack
4) prevent in advance

(12) anesthetic
1) substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness
2) kindly
3) one who feigns illness to escape duty
4) regret

(13) rightful
1) diagram of the positions of stars at a given moment (eg. of a person's birth) used by astrologers
2) person who has a compulsive desire to steal
3) legally correct
4) causing great fear

(14) adapt
1) act of extreme violence or viciousness
2) make or become suitable for a specific use
3) teasing conversation
4) sudden sharp turn or twist

(15) imponderable
1) large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
2) weightless
3) push forward
4) worldly wise and urbane

(16) spoonerism
1) widespread damage
2) projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars)
3) accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
4) lustful

(17) felicity
1) place into a case
2) given to complaining
3) rosy
4) happiness

(18) colossus
1) repeat
2) new or newly coined word or phrase
3) repentant
4) gigantic statue

(19) coup
1) theoretical
2) overbright in color
3) curse
4) highly successful action or sudden attack

(20) transparent
1) permitting light to pass through freely
2) expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words
3) minor fight
4) join together end to end to make one continuous length

(21) debacle
1) surmise
2) rejoice
3) sad
4) sudden disastrous downfall or defeat

(22) finite
1) hidden sarcasm or satire
2) envy
3) enigmatic
4) limited

(23) vapid
1) lacking liveliness
2) combativeness
3) bad-tempered
4) pouring forth

(24) affiliation
1) joining
2) basic
3) chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds
4) slave

(25) toll
1) change voting district lines in order to favor a political party
2) curved
3) group of closely located islands
4) sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals

(1)2 (2)2 (3)4 (4)3 (5)1 (6)2 (7)1 (8)3 (9)2 (10)1 (11)1 (12)1 (13)3 (14)2 (15)2 (16)3 (17)4 (18)4 (19)4 (20)1 (21)4 (22)4 (23)1 (24)1 (25)4

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


(1) enmity
1) ill will
2) one-sided
3) building (of imposing size)
4) abundant

(2) amble
1) shade of slight difference in meaning or color
2) walking at an easy unhurried pace
3) incapable of injury
4) make (a lawyer) leave the bar or the legal profession

(3) perceptive
1) denying the existence of God
2) insightful
3) denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius)
4) rubble

(4) pore
1) trivial
2) one who is zealous
3) study industriously
4) excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife

(5) resolve
1) decide
2) cut down
3) lively or animated
4) put into effect

(6) execute
1) put into effect
2) close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion)
3) slow moving tree-dwelling mammal
4) huge creature

(7) lax
1) tilt (as of a ship)
2) signify
3) careless
4) fantastic

(8) clipper
1) introductory statement
2) sailing vessel built for great speed
3) remedy
4) courting favor by cringing and flattering

(9) encircle
1) hasten
2) surround
3) deep dish for serving soup
4) pastoral song

(10) ravel
1) fall apart into tangles
2) clothing or equipment for a special purpose
3) annoyance and disappointment
4) good judgment with composure

(11) agglomeration
1) congeal
2) sound on judgment
3) collection
4) capable of sensation and conscious

(12) inclined
1) find out for certain
2) tending or leaning toward
3) hard to understand
4) devoted to the pleasures of the sense

(13) quarry
1) mar
2) dig into (to get stone)
3) tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)
4) remove (fleece or hair) by cutting

(14) scion
1) staff officer assisting the commander
2) detached plant shoot used in grafting
3) portray
4) crush into mash

(15) concomitant
1) that which accompanies
2) tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc. produce interesting symmetrical effects
3) forewarning
4) without definite purpose, plan, or aim

(16) institute
1) organization for a special purpose
2) phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
3) skin disease (on the face)
4) coloring matter (usually powder to be mixed with water or oil)

(17) upbraid
1) sudden sharp feeling of pain
2) maim
3) reprimand
4) length of time something lasts

(18) pundit
1) authority on a subject
2) sleight(dexterity) of hand
3) fashionable
4) murder of a king or queen

(19) enterprise
1) overstock
2) willingness to take new ventures
3) great shock
4) highly ornate

(20) supererogatory
1) weightless
2) superfluous
3) annoy by repeated attacks
4) tic) frenzied

(21) encroachment
1) self-evident truth
2) move (a railway train) from one track to another
3) gradual intrusion
4) practical rule guiding conduct

(22) champion
1) tendency to disbelief
2) assault
3) punish by placing in a wooden frame or pillory
4) support militantly

(23) demur
1) object (because of doubts, scruples)
2) superintendent
3) split into opposite extremes or camps
4) small poor bed

(24) imprecation
1) lascivious
2) curse
3) oily
4) state of being married

(25) offhand
1) casual
2) agree
3) pretense (of strength)
4) seeker after position or status

(1)1 (2)2 (3)2 (4)3 (5)1 (6)1 (7)3 (8)2 (9)2 (10)1 (11)3 (12)2 (13)2 (14)2 (15)1 (16)1 (17)3 (18)1 (19)2 (20)2 (21)3 (22)4 (23)1 (24)2 (25)1

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


(1) dissent
1) (of an animal) feed on growing grass
2) disagree
3) divide into parts
4) make whole

(2) quarantine
1) isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection
2) agreement between two groups or people
3) of the common people
4) base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down

(3) limn
1) railing in a courtroom
2) draw
3) unnoticeable
4) simultaneous discharge of a number of shots

(4) pathetic
1) causing sadness, compassion, pity
2) suppress
3) carpenter's tool for smoothing and leveling wood
4) secondary or minor occupation

(5) virtue
1) goodness
2) curative
3) shrewd in money matters
4) painting in only one color

(6) hazard
1) venture
2) recognize
3) preference
4) shallow body of water or lake near a sea

(7) ventral
1) support placed under or against something
2) abdominal
3) fit of bad temper
4) change voting district lines in order to favor a political party

(8) wallow
1) roll in mud
2) imitate
3) stir up
4) (of work) compensating

(9) seduce
1) lead away from proper conduct
2) split
3) weaken
4) driving away

(10) manumit
1) dull
2) related to population balance
3) chew
4) emancipate

(11) isotope
1) cut off with shears
2) decree (especially one issued by a sovereign)
3) walk or behave with an over-confident manner
4) varying from of an element

(12) bland
1) abnormal or deviant
2) headland
3) soothing or mild (food)
4) slope

(13) touchstone
1) stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys
2) unexplicable
3) (of a person) unable to express what one really feels
4) filthy

(14) herbivorous
1) shy and reserved (of a person)
2) clear from blame or guilt
3) seeker after position or status
4) grain-eating

(15) billowing
1) too improbable to be believed
2) be thankful for
3) ignore or behave coldly toward
4) swelling out in waves

(16) biting
1) offensive in odor or flavor
2) sharply painful to the body or mind
3) state without proof
4) quick sharp reply

(17) plaster
1) paste that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls
2) persuade by flattery
3) lack of proper respect or reverence
4) supporter

(18) dapper
1) burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection
2) pertaining to earthquakes
3) inconspicuous
4) neat and trim (in appearance)

(19) horde
1) hasty and careless
2) emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke)
3) seller
4) crowd

(20) disperse
1) stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue
2) complain (in a sad voice)
3) frankness
4) scatter

(21) fictitious
1) unfriendliness
2) life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history
3) imaginary
4) ceremonious quality

(22) dotage
1) teasing conversation
2) boredom
3) analyze (to discover what materials are present)
4) senility

(23) conventional
1) advanced in development
2) soft and mild (of air)
3) ordinary
4) logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion

(24) rankle
1) pertaining to language
2) irritate
3) clumsy (in social behavior)
4) advantage

(25) neophyte
1) third in order or rank
2) imaginary
3) capable of being bribed
4) recent convert

(1)2 (2)1 (3)2 (4)1 (5)1 (6)1 (7)2 (8)1 (9)1 (10)4 (11)4 (12)3 (13)1 (14)4 (15)4 (16)2 (17)1 (18)4 (19)4 (20)4 (21)3 (22)4 (23)3 (24)2 (25)4

Monday, September 21, 2009


(1) politic
1) turn to for help
2) lose a small piece from the surface or edge
3) imperceptible(not easily understood)
4) prudent

(2) disabuse
1) self-governing
2) correct a false impression
3) pertaining to existence
4) loquacious

(3) delirium
1) mental disorder marked by confusion
2) of a pivot
3) trinket
4) coloring matter (usually powder to be mixed with water or oil)

(4) partiality
1) state of being partial
2) tip
3) habitual return to crime (even after being punished)
4) absence of governing body

(5) wiggle
1) wriggle
2) scatter
3) going against
4) miser

(6) waive
1) in name only
2) denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view
3) winding
4) give up temporarily

(7) bucolic
1) rustic
2) temporary encampment
3) large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
4) looking back on the past

(8) reprieve
1) part of stage in front of curtain
2) injury to body
3) take (one's attention) off something
4) postponement or cancelation of a punishment

(9) brink
1) edge (at the top of a cliff)
2) meaningless word
3) farewell or departure
4) flowing into

(10) quiver
1) tremble
2) justified
3) not yet decided or settled
4) administrative division of a city

(11) collateral
1) security given for loan
2) worship of idols
3) person who turns animal hides into leather
4) essential

(12) unerringly
1) worldly as opposed to spiritual
2) pertaining to passionate love or sexual love
3) stun
4) infallibly

(13) cohorts
1) severe disapproval
2) common
3) group of people who share some common quality
4) reveal

(14) counterpart
1) wild
2) immediate insight
3) related to marriage or the wedding ceremony
4) thing that completes another

(15) wilt
1) watch over and direct
2) unmanageable
3) beyond reasonable limits
4) loose freshness

(16) feline
1) using satire
2) free
3) coiled around
4) of a member of the cat family

(17) repertoire
1) atrocious
2) list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to present
3) abundance
4) capricious

(18) estranged
1) not fully worked out or developed
2) logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion
3) payment or expense
4) separated

(19) mete
1) nearing
2) sink to a lower level
3) measure
4) pertaining to the moon

(20) juxtapose
1) one's opinion of oneself
2) half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood)
3) hypnotic state
4) place side by side

(21) prattle
1) easy to approach
2) unwillingness
3) talk idly
4) fleeting or transitory

(22) ennui
1) courteous
2) limit
3) boredom
4) withdrawal

(23) sectarian
1) of a sect
2) hybridize
3) make or become black by burning
4) agreement between two groups or people

(24) fawning
1) courting favor by cringing and flattering
2) lustful
3) tax levied by a ruler
4) hostility

(25) insurgent
1) discomposed
2) efficiency or conciseness in using something
3) having a backbone or spinal column
4) rebellious

(1)4 (2)2 (3)1 (4)1 (5)1 (6)4 (7)1 (8)4 (9)1 (10)1 (11)1 (12)4 (13)3 (14)4 (15)4 (16)4 (17)2 (18)4 (19)3 (20)4 (21)3 (22)3 (23)1 (24)1 (25)4

Sunday, September 20, 2009


(1) multiplicity
1) kindly
2) gully
3) state of being numerous or multiple
4) highly pretentious or inflated

(2) kudos
1) honor
2) monkeylike
3) provide for the payment of
4) reply

(3) prelude
1) quick sharp reply
2) curse
3) introduction
4) sour

(4) pedestrian
1) ordinary
2) kindly
3) concerning trade or merchants
4) temporary invasion

(5) stipulate
1) resting
2) sustaining
3) state as a necessary condition (of an agreement)
4) full of self-admiration

(6) heterogeneous
1) meaning
2) dissimilar
3) cancel
4) join

(7) nadir
1) lowest point
2) draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone)
3) eyesight
4) crowd

(8) chore
1) support placed under or against something
2) daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping)
3) generosity
4) bitter (to the taste or smell)

(9) ransack
1) search thoroughly
2) not essential
3) defamation
4) spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line

(10) alimony
1) payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce
2) projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars)
3) concluding section of a musical or literary composition
4) comfort in sorrow or trouble

(11) irrevocable
1) mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer
2) unalterable
3) government ruled by old people
4) payment or expense

(12) indigent
1) behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm
2) not genuine
3) poor
4) motion

(13) fallow
1) behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm
2) (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality)
3) hardened
4) oval building with tiers of seats

(14) zeal
1) (of a fault or sin) forgivable
2) heavy and awkward to carry or wear
3) eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal)
4) ) hanging down from something

(15) pugnacity
1) avaricious
2) lukewarm
3) combativeness
4) fear

(16) glossy
1) short poem idealizing rural life
2) smooth and shining
3) frown angrily
4) make oneself tidy in appearance

(17) acme
1) disorderly fight between two or more people
2) pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state
3) peak
4) hairstyle

(18) marsupial
1) submissive
2) one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch(pocket of skin or leather)
3) pick out from others (to kill the weakest members)
4) reclining

(19) sentimental
1) swayed by sentiment
2) strong and firm (in the body)
3) substance that dissolves another
4) make lively or spirited

(20) sonorous
1) lying on back
2) loquacious
3) disown
4) resonant

(21) mosaic
1) picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles
2) speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner
3) shyness
4) terrorize

(22) sate
1) satisfy to the full
2) split into opposite extremes or camps
3) strong longing to travel
4) study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

(23) revelry
1) book of literary selections by various authors
2) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
3) raised platform for speech-making
4) boisterous merrymaking

(24) atrocity
1) isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection
2) venomous spider
3) brutal deed
4) of or like an uncle

(25) furtive
1) stealthy
2) missile
3) (of light or color) bright and distinct
4) something taken for granted

(1)3 (2)1 (3)3 (4)1 (5)3 (6)2 (7)1 (8)2 (9)1 (10)1 (11)2 (12)3 (13)2 (14)3 (15)3 (16)2 (17)3 (18)2 (19)1 (20)4 (21)1 (22)1 (23)4 (24)3 (25)1

Saturday, September 19, 2009


(1) discernible
1) designed to create ill will or envy
2) distinguishable
3) kind in a generous way (to someone less important)
4) destroy leaves

(2) dispassionate
1) returning something (lost or stolen) to the rightful owner
2) calm
3) contact that keeps parties in communication
4) refer indirectly

(3) gull
1) object to be thrown or projected
2) (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves)
3) switch (a railroad car) to a siding
4) trick

(4) handsome
1) act of reciting publicly
2) take pleasure in great comfort
3) in agreement
4) large in quantity

(5) adjourn
1) suspend until a later time
2) pretty good)''
3) loiter or dawdle
4) of a prophet or prophecy

(6) ordeal
1) miser
2) mild expression in place of an unpleasant one
3) severe trial or affliction
4) irritate

(7) opaque
1) without concern or care
2) unaccustomed
3) drifting wreckage
4) dark

(8) trajectory
1) radiating
2) multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester)
3) path taken by a projectile
4) pretending to be virtuous

2) irritate
3) heap
4) lurch

(10) remit
1) make watertight (by blocking up cracks as in a ship)
2) violent anguish
3) platitude
4) transmit (money) in payment

(11) carnal
1) iridescent
2) fleshly
3) effort
4) walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement

(12) chastise
1) punish as by beating
2) of a sect
3) honor
4) fight

(13) genus
1) begin formally
2) division of animals or plants, below a family and above a species
3) path taken by a projectile
4) frenzy

(14) simplistic
1) oversimplified
2) supplying nourishment
3) tight
4) confuse

(15) introspective
1) looking within oneself
2) adjacent to
3) causing insensitivity to pain
4) warlike

(16) succulent
1) kindle
2) juicy
3) speed
4) state of distress

(17) felicitous
1) remorse
2) faithless lover
3) (of a word or remark) apt
4) without deceit

(18) tenancy
1) threatening
2) reservoir or water tank
3) irritate
4) possession of land or building by rent

(19) wax
1) harshness
2) cause to become sick
3) hypnotize
4) increase gradually (as the moon)

(20) renegade
1) well-paid position with little responsibility
2) downward slope
3) deserter
4) deceive, persuade, or obtain by flattery

(21) qualms
1) uneasy feelings
2) spread through or over (with a color or liquid)
3) sceptic
4) obtaining

(22) skulduggery(sku
1) agree
2) llduggery) dishonest behavior or action
3) clever in deceiving
4) confused uproar

(23) distinction
1) tear or cut to pieces
2) Peeping Tom
3) salary
4) honor

(24) knit
1) blessedness
2) official (who performs a particular function)
3) contract into wrinkles
4) critical remark

(25) audit
1) number of points
2) examination of accounts of a business
3) (of the senses) sharp
4) reproduce

(1)2 (2)2 (3)4 (4)4 (5)1 (6)3 (7)4 (8)3 (9)1 (10)4 (11)2 (12)1 (13)2 (14)1 (15)1 (16)2 (17)3 (18)4 (19)4 (20)3 (21)1 (22)2 (23)4 (24)3 (25)2

Friday, September 18, 2009


(1) debris
1) trick
2) rubble
3) incomplete
4) become boring

(2) apprehend
1) arrest (a criminal)
2) switch (a railroad car) to a siding
3) assent
4) severely critical

(3) fractious
1) make drunk
2) (of colors or surfaces) not bright
3) unruly
4) knickknack

(4) pulverize
1) lay eggs (in large numbers)
2) crush or grind into very small particles
3) stout
4) half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood)

(5) recite
1) take in food or drink with one's tongue
2) edge (at the top of a cliff)
3) leader or noticeable supporter of an idea
4) repeat aloud (something learned)

(6) impede
1) corrupt
2) hide
3) not earthly
4) one who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing(pipes)

(7) debutante
1) young woman making formal entrance into society
2) pertaining to heat
3) smooth and shining (as from good health)
4) relating to space

(8) lineaments
1) shut
2) act of providing
3) features especially of the face
4) effulgent

(9) reminiscent
1) devoutness
2) irreverence
3) (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place
4) suggestive of something (in the past)

(10) bureaucracy
1) implying a cause-and-effect relationship
2) dull
3) overregulated administrative system marked by red tape
4) like a spirit or fairy

(11) taint
1) contaminate
2) hard outer covering (as of earth or snow)
3) large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
4) gain time as by postponing an action

(12) paramount
1) dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way)
2) agreeable
3) foremost in importance
4) abdominal

(13) aperture
1) growing or spreading uncontrollably
2) prohibit
3) opening
4) holding fast (as to a belief)

(14) preponderance
1) superiority of power, quantity, etc.
2) habitually intoxicated
3) overpowering
4) something hinted at or suggested

(15) hew
1) fall or let fall in drops
2) cut to pieces with ax or sword
3) dirty matter
4) of this earth

(16) exemplary
1) serving as a model
2) infection (by contact)
3) dwelling place
4) make valid

(17) rejoinder
1) reply
2) work (esp. musical composition)
3) besiege or attack (with an army)
4) act of using one's will

(18) impersonal
1) projection
2) without definite purpose, plan, or aim
3) not being a person
4) precision

(19) presumptuous
1) ideal place, state, or society
2) nation governed by the people
3) going beyond what is right
4) marshal

(20) paranoia
1) poison (of an animal)
2) psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution
3) unshakably calm
4) playful remark or act

(21) smudge
1) combination of different things
2) dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing
3) charge in court
4) respect

(22) illusory
1) one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
2) whirlwind
3) illusive
4) poor verse

(23) derivation
1) boredom
2) assist usually in doing something wrong
3) deriving
4) preceding events that influence what comes later

(24) jaded
1) hairstyle
2) tired or uninterested by surfeit
3) witty thought or saying, usually short
4) combination of different things

(25) minute
1) omen
2) cut or knock down (a tree or a person)
3) gloomy
4) extremely small

(1)2 (2)1 (3)3 (4)2 (5)4 (6)2 (7)1 (8)3 (9)4 (10)3 (11)1 (12)3 (13)3 (14)1 (15)2 (16)1 (17)1 (18)3 (19)3 (20)2 (21)2 (22)3 (23)3 (24)2 (25)4

Thursday, September 17, 2009


(1) apotheosis
1) elevation to godhood
2) staying for a short time
3) propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group)
4) causing sadness, compassion, pity

(2) meretricious
1) tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)
2) compose on the spur of the moment
3) let down
4) flashy

(3) oblivion
1) not knowing
2) without guile
3) total
4) obscurity

(4) ethnic
1) put into effect
2) clear from blame or guilt
3) language
4) relating to races

(5) fray
1) abstruse
2) tedious wordiness
3) framework and working parts of an automobile
4) brawl

(6) windfall
1) fallen fruit
2) put forth for consideration or analysis
3) stupid awkward person
4) cut into small parts

(7) historical
1) connected with history
2) trick
3) violent uncontrollable shaking movement (caused by illness)
4) small exclusive group of people

(8) incursion
1) listing of information in tabular or book form
2) temporary invasion
3) clear from blame
4) of low rank or position

(9) bulwark
1) freedom from narrow limitations
2) picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles
3) highly ornate
4) strong wall built for defense

(10) invalid
1) one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness
2) disturb the composure of
3) combine
4) fitness

(11) potential
1) capable of maintaining life
2) expressing possibility
3) quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.)
4) (of rules) binding

(12) trinket
1) purposely continuing to do something wrong
2) tiresome dwelling on a subject
3) one part at a time
4) knickknack

(13) susceptible
1) holding fast (as to a belief)
2) heat-producing
3) impressionable
4) move faster

(14) exude
1) flow out slowly
2) reject bluntly
3) (of water) cover completely
4) one who spoils the pleasure of others

(15) bust
1) piece of sculpture showing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest
2) dress with vulgar finery
3) ) hanging down from something
4) (of light or color) bright and distinct

(16) diaphanous
1) spot
2) feeling of sickness and desire to vomit
3) sheer
4) wrongdoing

(17) nausea
1) gold and silver in the form of bars
2) lift by pushing up from below
3) argumentative
4) feeling of sickness and desire to vomit

(18) tumid
1) mutual
2) gigantic
3) (of a part of the body) swollen
4) boastful

(19) spontaneity
1) avoid habitually
2) reluctant
3) drive out evil spirits
4) lack of premeditation

(20) psyche
1) soul
2) disgustingly excessive
3) pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
4) defile

(21) circuit
1) laypersons
2) closed circular line around an area
3) deputize
4) subside or moderate

(22) ostentatious
1) corruption
2) (of a word or remark) apt
3) showy
4) minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting

(23) grievance
1) (of the voice) extremely loud
2) person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will
3) highly skilled artist (esp. in music)
4) cause of complaint

(24) spat
1) people of standing(rank or position)
2) squabble
3) defamation
4) weaken

(25) consummate
1) complete
2) hesitate
3) length of time something lasts
4) old-fashioned

(1)1 (2)4 (3)4 (4)4 (5)4 (6)1 (7)1 (8)2 (9)4 (10)1 (11)2 (12)4 (13)3 (14)1 (15)1 (16)3 (17)4 (18)3 (19)4 (20)1 (21)2 (22)3 (23)4 (24)2 (25)1

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


(1) prong
1) stir up
2) pointed projecting part
3) based on experience
4) take in food or drink with one's tongue

(2) subdue
1) less intense
2) state of having two opposite qualities
3) make drunk
4) supplying nourishment

(3) clarion
1) support placed under or against something
2) related to marriage or the wedding ceremony
3) shrill, trumpetlike sound
4) substance that dissolves another

(4) ordain
1) whimsical
2) using satire
3) decree or command
4) temporary encampment

(5) concentric
1) ecological community together with its environment
2) foretell
3) pertaining to the aurora borealis
4) having a common center

(6) perspicacious
1) defile
2) unconscious
3) (of someone) having insight
4) pleasantly fat

(7) engage
1) attract
2) make amends for
3) female warrior
4) small hill

(8) strangle
1) kill by choking or suffocating
2) expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words
3) inner excitement or exuberance
4) discuss lightly or glibly

(9) legerdemain
1) frankness
2) sleight(dexterity) of hand
3) humbleness of spirit
4) of or living in trees

(10) disquietude
1) make amends for (a sin)
2) uneasiness
3) freedom from punishment or harm
4) morally upright

(11) quaff
1) frown angrily
2) drink with zest
3) thriftless
4) sharp upslope of a hill

(12) decimate
1) kill (usually one out of ten or every tenth man)
2) powerful movement of or like a wave
3) sameness
4) having a very fine bore

(13) imperious
1) messenger
2) domineering
3) pertaining to fishing
4) propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group)

(14) notoriety
1) gap
2) full of life
3) make stupid or confused as with alcholic drink
4) disrepute

(15) tactile
1) pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
2) plead
3) mischievous trick
4) confuse thoroughly

(16) liaison
1) separate
2) contact that keeps parties in communication
3) raise in rank or dignity
4) stand up against

(17) nocturnal
1) done or active at night
2) meaningless word
3) temporary invasion
4) ease pain (without curing)

(18) propellant(prop
1) eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal)
2) green
3) ellent) substance which propels or drives forward (such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel)
4) supposed

(19) grumble
1) convenient features that helps to make life pleasant
2) nervous giggle
3) complain
4) totally clear

(20) circumlocution
1) indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)
2) tear made by rending
3) swindle or cheat
4) natural home of a plant or animal

(21) intervene
1) (esp. of older people) vigorously active
2) come between
3) brother or sister
4) group of people who share some common quality

(22) ravenous
1) threat
2) extremely hungry
3) meaning
4) banish to the country

(23) evasive
1) monumental tomb
2) not frank
3) anxious
4) rotate swiftly

(24) lookout
1) one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
2) conquer
3) group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services)
4) act of keeping watch

(25) inquisitor
1) accidental
2) questioner (especially harsh)
3) enthusiastic follower
4) cause to stop for a period

(1)2 (2)1 (3)3 (4)3 (5)4 (6)3 (7)1 (8)1 (9)2 (10)2 (11)2 (12)1 (13)2 (14)4 (15)1 (16)2 (17)1 (18)3 (19)3 (20)1 (21)2 (22)2 (23)2 (24)4 (25)2

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


(1) armada
1) fleet of warships
2) dwell
3) imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)
4) cast a spell over

(2) preclude
1) pertaining to heat
2) inborn
3) act of reciting publicly
4) make impossible

(3) distraught
1) rushing stream
2) unalterable
3) unshakably calm
4) upset

(4) prank
1) mischievous trick
2) practical rule guiding conduct
3) flexible
4) harmonious

(5) congruence
1) (of voice) harsh and unpleasant
2) make invalid
3) drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
4) correspondence of parts

(6) stellar
1) mental keenness
2) denial
3) long, eventful, adventurous journey
4) pertaining to the stars

(7) cartographer
1) silent
2) first rough form
3) color
4) map-maker

(8) ghastly
1) horrible
2) seine net
3) full of life
4) fluent

(9) disengage
1) uncouple
2) reply
3) trip and almost fall
4) marked by formality

(10) renounce
1) abandon
2) enormous chasm
3) contaminate
4) divided into two branches

(11) poseur
1) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others
2) amuse
3) designed to create ill will or envy
4) teach (ideas or principles)

(12) gruel
1) evil
2) good judgment with composure
3) steadfast
4) thin liquid porridge

(13) dispense
1) debauched person
2) distribute
3) mischievous child (usually a boy)
4) (of a person) fat and round

(14) ingenious
1) increase
2) marked by inventive skill
3) signs
4) half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning

(15) dishearten
1) discourage
2) having foresight
3) complete independence and self-government (of a country)
4) rustic

(16) calumny
1) lack of proportion (between the parts)
2) having a sharp or acid taste
3) excessively or elaborately decorated
4) malicious misrepresentation

(17) ursine
1) wooden
2) bearlike
3) state of being numerous or multiple
4) tired or uninterested by surfeit

(18) indubitable
1) lose animation or strength
2) unable to be doubted
3) arsonist
4) throw overboard (from a ship or plane)

(19) celibate
1) walk
2) sentry
3) live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity)
4) abstaining from sexual intercourse

(20) plasticity
1) ability to be molded
2) noxious(harmful) smell
3) habitually intoxicated
4) current of air (through a room or to a fire)

(21) belligerent
1) stormy
2) quarrelsome
3) sun's corona
4) eating away by chemicals or disease

(22) grill
1) deck opening
2) question severely
3) turn to stone
4) saturate(soak thoroughly)

(23) requite
1) file of documents on a subject or person
2) related to population balance
3) make return for
4) feign

(24) seethe
1) relating to the back of an animal
2) extremely small
3) be violently disturbed
4) become worse in quality

(25) onslaught
1) mosaic
2) occupy fully
3) vicious assault
4) plentiful

(1)1 (2)4 (3)4 (4)1 (5)4 (6)4 (7)4 (8)1 (9)1 (10)1 (11)1 (12)4 (13)2 (14)2 (15)1 (16)4 (17)2 (18)2 (19)4 (20)1 (21)2 (22)2 (23)3 (24)3 (25)3

Monday, September 14, 2009


(1) waver
1) call by bugles or trumpets
2) person who establishes (an organization or business)
3) move or swing back and forth
4) (of a body of water) wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through

(2) adversity
1) unclear or doubtful in meaning
2) great hardship or affliction
3) supplement to the body of a will
4) pertaining to hell

(3) consequential
1) (of a fact) become known
2) (of things and place) dirty and dull
3) self-important
4) pantomime(act without dialogue)

(4) disconsolate
1) hopelessly sad (at the loss of something)
2) highly excited
3) raised platform for speakers or other important people
4) tyrant

(5) covenant
1) coiled around
2) social or moral custom
3) binding agreement between two groups or people
4) shove

(6) slink
1) brief and compact
2) affectedly grand
3) (place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin
4) move furtively

(7) parley
1) having the odor of musk
2) conference (between opponents)
3) nation governed by the people
4) frenzy

(8) philology
1) slander
2) green
3) study of language or words
4) vanity or self-love

(9) implode
1) gruesome
2) burst inward
3) refusal of any compromise
4) musical introduction to a long musical piece

(10) earthly
1) talking to oneself (esp. in a play)
2) ring of leaves around stem
3) respect
4) of this earth

(11) mischief
1) humiliation
2) slight knowledge
3) behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm
4) disclaim or disavow

(12) disquisition
1) formal systematic inquiry
2) highest point
3) plant disease
4) not genuine

(13) stamp
1) swayed by sentiment
2) step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish)
3) complain (in a sad voice)
4) sudden disastrous downfall or defeat

(14) ecstasy
1) mild expression in place of an unpleasant one
2) tired or uninterested by surfeit
3) rapture
4) person or thing excess of what is necessary

(15) exorbitant
1) windstorm
2) shut
3) lure or bait
4) (of costs or demands) excessive

(16) rustic
1) intentionally hidden
2) pertaining to country people
3) lacking proper seriousness
4) art of representing dances in written symbols

(17) tempo
1) irresistible crushing force
2) speed of music
3) agent (sent on a mission to represent another)
4) bitter (to the taste or smell)

(18) enjoin
1) study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age
2) (of voice) harsh and unpleasant
3) command
4) hermit

(19) sensuous
1) giving pleasure to the senses
2) impressionable
3) adjacent to
4) small bit or fragment

(20) yeoman
1) interpret incorrectly
2) legal claim or right on a property
3) man or farmer owning small estate
4) deviation from the normal

(21) amenable
1) agreeable
2) obedient
3) framework from which a noose is suspended (used for execution by hanging)
4) hard to understand

(22) livid
1) fear of water
2) lead-colored
3) of this earth
4) repulsive to the sight

(23) innocuous
1) having a backbone or spinal column
2) harmless
3) move hastily
4) place side by side

(24) fuddle
1) unattractive
2) make stupid or confused as with alcholic drink
3) (of a thick liquid) pass or flow slowly
4) pretense (of strength)

(25) patrician
1) noble
2) attempt to gain
3) hidden danger
4) silly

(1)3 (2)2 (3)3 (4)1 (5)3 (6)4 (7)2 (8)3 (9)2 (10)4 (11)3 (12)1 (13)2 (14)3 (15)4 (16)2 (17)2 (18)3 (19)1 (20)3 (21)2 (22)2 (23)2 (24)2 (25)1

Sunday, September 13, 2009


(1) meddlesome
1) become red in the face (from embarrassment or shame)
2) very high
3) interfering
4) impressive

(2) adherent
1) supporter
2) set off
3) neutral
4) wordy

(3) suspense
1) evident
2) devoutness
3) state of being undecided
4) lover of luxury

(4) laceration
1) used to prevent disease
2) overcome
3) torn ragged wound
4) upset

(5) marshal
1) comparable
2) straightforward
3) put in order
4) characteristic frame of mind

(6) timorous
1) sour
2) fearful
3) highly excited
4) neigh like a horse

(7) chronicle
1) pierce
2) fern leaf
3) overlook
4) report

(8) protract
1) prolong
2) waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered untidily)
3) climb by crawling with difficulties
4) arrest (a criminal)

(9) motif
1) be unfaithful
2) theme
3) in utter disorder
4) moderate

(10) depict
1) signs
2) portray
3) imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)
4) become popular with

(11) flux
1) successful
2) sniffle
3) connoisseur of food and drink
4) flowing

(12) saboteur
1) one who commits sabotage
2) dominance especially of one nation over others
3) pick out from others (to kill the weakest members)
4) division of animals or plants, below a family and above a species

(13) vulpine
1) tangible
2) like a fox
3) connoisseur of food and drink
4) go through or across

(14) desiccate
1) intimidate
2) person who uncritically conforms to the customs of a group
3) lacking rhythm or regularity
4) dry up

(15) taut
1) tight
2) long and thin
3) writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court
4) lazy

(16) judiciary
1) having no motion
2) judicial branch of government
3) someone who wastes money
4) ) any gain above stipulated salary

(17) tightwad
1) report
2) miser
3) oversensitive
4) artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)

(18) ornate
1) suitable for drinking
2) excessively or elaborately decorated
3) map-maker
4) significance

(19) tenuous
1) thin
2) pertaining to the stars
3) abnormal
4) having many forms

(20) putrefy
1) e make into an institution
2) make or become putrid
3) (of a heart or machine) beat rapidly or violently
4) frustrate

(21) imbue
1) saturate(soak thoroughly)
2) place of spiritual expiation
3) banish from a group
4) plunder

(22) quip
1) preceding events that influence what comes later
2) comprehend
3) science of law
4) taunt

(23) convene
1) lacking rhythm or regularity
2) uprightness
3) slavery
4) come together

(24) enervate
1) chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds
2) weaken
3) collection
4) implied comparison

(25) replicate
1) pantry
2) having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar)
3) forewarning
4) reproduce

(1)3 (2)1 (3)3 (4)3 (5)3 (6)2 (7)4 (8)1 (9)2 (10)2 (11)4 (12)1 (13)2 (14)4 (15)1 (16)2 (17)2 (18)2 (19)1 (20)2 (21)1 (22)4 (23)4 (24)2 (25)4

Saturday, September 12, 2009


(1) malediction
1) position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point)
2) curse
3) kill by choking or suffocating
4) lacking liveliness

(2) repugnance
1) disgust
2) long period of time
3) blessing
4) make drunk

(3) dross
1) heavier or larger on one side than the other
2) rubbing away by friction
3) waste matter
4) serving as a model

(4) mingle
1) precede
2) mix together in close association
3) having the weight of authority
4) disheveled

(5) hallucination
1) lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life
2) producing offspring or fruit in abundance
3) delusion
4) convincing

(6) stentorian
1) funeral song
2) melted
3) wet thoroughly
4) (of the voice) extremely loud

(7) shove
1) bending of a ray of light
2) push forward
3) thriftless
4) group sharing a common cause or opinion

(8) fresco
1) painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)
2) tax levied by a ruler
3) make valid
4) flabby

(9) eminent
1) authoritative and weighty statement (made by a judge in court)
2) imitation of a real object used as a substitute
3) tendency to keep together
4) rising above others

(10) provisional
1) invioably sacred
2) tentative
3) privilege
4) feverish

(11) frisk
1) nourish
2) (of an animal) not domestic
3) move about playfully
4) of a sect

(12) enrapture
1) extinct flying reptile
2) please intensely
3) charlatan
4) crafty

(13) secular
1) small body revolving around a larger one
2) worldly
3) substance that prevents infection in a wound
4) fond of books and reading

(14) rooster
1) cock
2) obtain by pulling violently
3) something fit to be eaten
4) small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation

(15) hem
1) bow (to show respect and obedience)
2) serving as a model
3) surround tightly so that movement is impossible
4) most favorable

(16) emend
1) swagger
2) burn the surface of
3) correct (usually a text)
4) target of a hunt

(17) pudding
1) resistant to
2) something of little importance or value
3) (of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible
4) hot sweet dish

(18) smug
1) abyss
2) tooth projecting from a wheel
3) self-satisfied
4) treacherous plot

(19) ethnology
1) supporter
2) push forward
3) study of humankind
4) entire range

(20) slipshod
1) (of an animal) feed on growing grass
2) slovenly
3) fret
4) suppress

(21) infernal
1) hiding place
2) pertaining to hell
3) immoral behavior
4) transparent

(22) frugality
1) thrift
2) brighten
3) struggle and thrash about
4) dose (of liquids)

(23) haughtiness
1) characteristic of an entire class or species
2) pride
3) belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control
4) willing to obey orders

(24) patent
1) unwilling
2) obvious
3) animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family
4) clever

(25) draw
1) poisonous snake
2) corporation made up of several different companies in diversified fields
3) chuckle with delight
4) choosing of a lot or card

(1)2 (2)1 (3)3 (4)2 (5)3 (6)4 (7)2 (8)1 (9)4 (10)2 (11)3 (12)2 (13)2 (14)1 (15)3 (16)3 (17)4 (18)3 (19)3 (20)2 (21)2 (22)1 (23)2 (24)2 (25)4

Friday, September 11, 2009


(1) wince
1) move back suddenly
2) burst inward
3) arrangement of masts and sails
4) subordinate

(2) championship
1) base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down
2) sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
3) not requited
4) position of champion

(3) respiration
1) clearly different
2) contrast
3) huge
4) breathing

(4) numismatist
1) drowsy
2) willingness to take new ventures
3) desire
4) person who collects coins

(5) bemoan
1) noisy party with a lot of drinking
2) providing nourishment
3) lament
4) refer indirectly

(6) referendum
1) affected
2) direct vote by all the people
3) science of sound
4) long period of time

(7) rectify
1) make or become confused
2) set right
3) persuade
4) stubborn

(8) devise
1) very bad
2) beyond what is normal in nature
3) ordinary
4) think up

(9) accede
1) agree
2) follow (as a result)
3) long loose garment (worn by monks)
4) state of violent agitation

(10) raze
1) unification
2) work together
3) knickknack
4) destroy completely

(11) pacifist
1) sad
2) point of view
3) self-satisfaction
4) one opposed to force

(12) resign
1) give up (a position, right, or claim)
2) talk at length
3) place of safety
4) metal block used for shaping metal or plastic

(13) accolade
1) award of merit
2) arousing anger or sexual interest
3) short story of an amusing or interesting event
4) annoyance and disappointment

(14) gambol
1) romp
2) cancel
3) justification
4) essence

(15) monastic
1) instruct
2) related to monks or monasteries
3) decorate with needlework
4) unsuited

(16) annals
1) poverty
2) quick sharp reply
3) (of a dress) having a low-cut neckline
4) records arranged in yearly parts

(17) subordinate
1) amuse
2) occupying a lower rank
3) fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch
4) picture writing

(18) groom
1) person or thing excess of what is necessary
2) wring from
3) man employed to take care of horses
4) arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)

(19) whimsical
1) rebellion
2) handle roughly
3) capricious
4) talkative

(20) dire
1) warning of disaster
2) perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic)
3) receiver
4) sordid

(21) facet
1) small plane surface (of a gem(precious stone))
2) trickery
3) impartial
4) protruding part

(22) accretion
1) of low rank or position
2) growth or increase in size by gradual addition
3) (of liquid) pour out in large quantities from a hole
4) huge creature

(23) verdant
1) word for word
2) cause to sprout
3) green
4) new or newly coined word or phrase

(24) moratorium
1) use equivocal language to deceive people
2) disturb greatly
3) legal delay of payment or action
4) faithless lover

(25) pharisaical
1) do drudgery
2) pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition
3) shine brightly without a flame (as of eyes or metals)
4) substance that dissolves another

(1)1 (2)4 (3)4 (4)4 (5)3 (6)2 (7)2 (8)4 (9)1 (10)4 (11)4 (12)1 (13)1 (14)1 (15)2 (16)4 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)1 (21)1 (22)2 (23)3 (24)3 (25)2