(1) compile
1) assemble
2) forewarning
3) proverb
4) fitness
(2) waggish
1) painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)
2) undistinctive
3) humorous
4) excessively exacting
(3) peddle
1) done secretly
2) minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
3) travel about selling (wares)
4) rebound
(4) paradox
1) something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true)
2) life after death
3) composed
4) with identity concealed
(5) chapel
1) poison (of an animal)
2) small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)
3) having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
4) subordinating the individual to the state
(6) autonomous
1) person unduly worried about his health
2) sticky
3) word for word
4) self-governing
(7) don
1) put on
2) increase
3) reveal
4) (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent
(8) puzzle
1) unintelligible
2) reprimand
3) washing
4) baffle or confuse by a difficult problem
(9) edify
1) public revelation of something discreditable
2) torn piece of cloth
3) instruct
4) terms used in a science or art
(10) prize
1) indecent
2) talk dully
3) sink to a lower level
4) pry
(11) indulge
1) blessing
2) ) any gain above stipulated salary
3) related to monks or monasteries
4) yield to
(12) hirsute
1) hairy
2) malleable
3) impossible to reconcile
4) having a common origin
(13) scheme
1) correct spelling
2) arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)
3) systematic plan
4) lack of caring
(14) hindsight
1) squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other edges
2) understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened
3) freeze
4) tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar
(15) straggle
1) oversimplified
2) essence
3) introductory
4) stray or fall behind (a main group)
(16) pass\'e
1) candid
2) of sound or its speed in air
3) of different colors
4) old-fashioned
(17) suavity
1) be violently disturbed
2) urbanity
3) sweet sound
4) excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife
(18) stem_from
1) holding tenaciously to an action
2) worthless products of an endeavor
3) arise from
4) tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar
(19) discerning
1) bearlike
2) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
3) mentally quick and observant
4) ancestor
(20) wily
1) decode
2) practical
3) crafty
4) horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain
(21) epoch
1) postpone
2) damp
3) antiquated
4) period of time
(22) weird
1) yield (to something overwhelming)
2) eerie
3) become unsteady and fall down
4) be next to
(23) matriculate
1) strong emotion
2) enroll (in college or graduate school)
3) unfairness
4) (esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious
(24) acknowledge
1) recognize
2) something taken for granted
3) supplement to the body of a will
4) (of a plant or grass) growing very well
(25) braggadocio
1) individual trait usually odd in nature
2) of or like a slave
3) courting favor by cringing and flattering
4) boasting
(1)1 (2)3 (3)3 (4)1 (5)2 (6)4 (7)1 (8)4 (9)3 (10)4 (11)4 (12)1 (13)3 (14)2 (15)4 (16)4 (17)2 (18)3 (19)3 (20)3 (21)4 (22)2 (23)2 (24)1 (25)4