Meaning :
burden; responsibility
(noun) an onerous or difficult concern
Sentence :
the burden of responsibility", "that's a load off my mind
Synonyms :
bar sinister, black eye, blame, blot, blur, brand, charge, culpability, deadweight, duty, encumbrance, fault, guilt, incubus, liability, load, millstone, obligation, odium, oppression, responsibility, slur, spot, stain, stigma, task, tax, weight
Antonyms :
aid, benefit, blessing, help
Mnemonic Technique 1 :
ON-US you are ON US ie. you are a BURDEN on me.
Mnemonic Technique 2 :
The patient cut his nas, onus is on the nurse
More Examples :
The onus of caring for her brother was on her while her parents were out of town.
Gb: we have to put the onus back on the parents to keep their children under control.