nominal = in name only; of a name; trifling; (of a sum of
money) very small; CF. nominate: propose as a candidate;
soar = rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
marred = damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
etymology = study of word parts; study of the origins of
reprise = musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. reprise in the
finale; Ex. constant reprises
mammal = vertebrate animal whose female suckles its
allure = entice; attract; tempt
fracas = brawl(noisy quarrel or fight) in which a number
of people take part; melee
embitter = make bitter; fill with painful or bitter feelings;
make sad and angry; Ex. He was embittered by many
saunter = stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N.
determinate = having a fixed order of procedure; precisely
defined; invariable; fixed; conclusive; final
alimentary = supplying nourishment
adore = love deeply and respect highly
condiments = seasonings; spices
forlorn = sad and lonely; wretched; desolate
certitude = certainty
outcast = one that has been excluded from a society; ADJ.
nether = lower; Ex. nether garments/regions
comity = courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations
bout = match; short period of great activity; Ex. wrestling
bout; bout of drinking/flu
fell = cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down
(with a missile)
barefaced = shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed;
having no covering on the face; Ex. barefaced
demented = insane
subsume = include (as a member of a group); encompass
shun = keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has
been shunned by her neighbors.
unimpeachable = that cannot be impeached; beyond
doubt or question; blameless and exemplary
retard = delay (in development); ADJ. retarded: (as of a
child) slower in development
toga = Roman outer robe
decree = authoritative order; edict; judgment of a court of
law; V: order or judge by decree
conversant = familiar with; having knowledge of
douse = plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse;
drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over;
brooch = ornamental clasp; pin
indict = charge; N. indictment
gossamer = sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and
sheer fabric; cobweb
pyromaniac = person with an insane desire to set things
on fire
husband = use sparingly; conserve; save; Ex. husband
one.s energy; CF. house holder
ovoid = egg-shaped; CF. ovum; CF. ovulate
desecrate = profane; violate the sanctity of
relinquish = give up something (with reluctance); yield;
release; Ex. relinquish power/the claim to the land/his
hold on my arm
pervasive = spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells,
ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate
ineffable = unutterable; not to be uttered; taboo; that cannot
be expressed in speech; indescribable; unspeakable;
inexpressible; Ex. ineffable name/joy
abstract = theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational
disproportion = lack of proportion (between the parts);
ADJ. disproportionate
crevice = crack; fissure
extenuate = weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of
(bad behavior)
apathy = lack of caring; indifference; lack of concern or interest
in important matters; Ex. He was sunk in apathy
after his failure; ADJ. apathetic
secrete = conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release
a substance into an organism; CF. secretive
meteoric = like a meteor; swift; momentarily brilliant; Ex.
meteoric rise to fame; N. meteor
vertex = summit; highest point; PL. vertices
raspy = making a harsh noise; grating; harsh
authoritative = having the weight of authority; regarded
as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable;
peremptory and dictatorial; Ex. authoritative dictionary/
manner; CF. definitive
tatter = torn piece of cloth; ADJ. tattered: (of clothes) old
and torn; (of a person) dressed in old torn clothes
discordant = not harmonious; conflicting
recidivism = habitual return to crime (even after being
punished); N. recidivist
commonplace = ordinary; N: something ordinary or common;
trite remark
pandemic = widespread; affecting the majority of people;
N: pandemic disease; CF. all people
prodigious = enormous; marvelous; extraordinary; Ex.
prodigious amount/memory
glib = fluent (with insincerity or superficiality); facile;
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