infiltrate = pass into or through; penetrate or enter (an organization)
sneakily; Ex. infiltrate the troops into enemy
territory; CF. infiltrator
assumption = something taken for granted; the taking
over or taking possession of; Ex. her assumption of
power; V. assume
encomiastic = praising; eulogistic; N. encomium: very
high praise; eulogy
behemoth = huge creature; something of monstrous size
or power
penology = study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation
meticulous = excessively careful (with great attention to
detail); painstaking; scrupulous
embrace = hug; clasp with the arms; adopt or espouse;
accept readily; encircle; include; Ex. embrace the
cause/socialism; Ex. all-embracing; CF. brace; CF.
luminary = celebrity (in a specific field); dignitary; object
that gives light (as a celestial body)
parry = ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He parried the unwelcome
question = very skillfully; N. CF. }..�H�H >h¥Æstrong>
desiccate = dry up
dominant = exercising the most influence; high and easily
seen; stronger than the other part of a system; not
poseur = person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant,
etc., to impress others; person who poses; CF. pose
oblique = indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular
or from a straight line); Ex. oblique reference
reverie = daydream; abstracted musing
corporeal = bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily
form; material; tangible
thresh = beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate
the grains from the straw
indemnify = make secure against damage or loss; compensate
for damage or loss; CF. make uninjured
scavenge = hunt through discarded materials for usable
items or food; search, especially for food; N. scavenger:
one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion
pulse = rhythmical throbbing of arteries; brief sudden
change in a normally constant quantity; V: pulsate
egress = exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP.
gradation = series of gradual stages; degree in such a progression
incredulity = tendency to disbelief
manifold = many in number or kind; numerous; varied
renegade = deserter; traitor; ADJ.
haughtiness = pride; arrogance; ADJ. haughty
graduate = arrange into categories or grades; divide into
marked intervals (for use in measurement); Ex. graduated
amok(amuck) = in a state of rage; Ex. run amok
verve = enthusiasm (as in artistic performance or composition);
liveliness; vigor
maelstrom = violent whirlpool; violent or tublent situation;
CF. stream
centrifuge = machine that separates substances by
whirling them
homogeneous = of the same kind; uniform in composition
edict = decree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official
margin = border; room; allowance beyond what is
needed; Ex. margin of safety
vernal = pertaining to spring
skulk = move furtively and secretly; Ex. He skulked
through the less fashionable sections of the city.
drip = fall or let fall in drops; shed drops; N: action or
sound of falling in drops; liquid that falls in drops
rebuttal = refutation; response with contrary evidence; V.
rebut: refute; disprove
predetermine = determine in advance; predestine; settle
or decide beforehand; influence markedly
paraphrase = restate a passage in one.s own words while
retaining thought of author; N: restatement of a text in
other words
stoic = stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF.
clap = strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden
explosive sound; come together suddenly with a
sharp sound; put or send promptly; Ex. clap the thief in
jail; N: clapping; loud or explosive sound; CF. applause
wanderlust = strong longing to travel
pliable = flexible; easily influenced; yielding; adaptable
pedagogue = teacher; CF. child leader
protagonist = leader or noticeable supporter of an idea;
chief character in a play or story
unmitigated = (of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved
or immoderate; without qualification; absolute;
Ex. unmitigated disaster
obelisk = tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower
toward the end) and ending in a pyramid
blowhard = talkative boaster; braggart
interpolate = insert between
anarchy = absence of governing body; state of disorder
felon = person convicted of a grave crime; CF. felony: serious
braggadocio = boasting
curator = superintendent; manager (in charge of a museum
or a library)
nimble = quick in movement; agile; quick in understanding;
Ex. nimble climber/mind
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