dislodge = remove (forcibly); force out of a position; Ex.
dislodge the food caught in his throat; CF. lodge
preeminent = outstanding; superior
mesmerize = hypnotize; N. mesmerism; CF. Franz Mesmer
lax = careless; negligent; not paying enough attention; Ex.
lax service
scoff = laugh (at); mock; ridicule; Ex. scoff at their threats
infantile = childish; infantlike
imperious = domineering; too commanding; haughty;
CF. imperial/emperor
pastoral = rural; of rural life; idyllic; of a pastor
herald = messenger; sign of something to come; V: announce;
proclaim; Ex. unheralded researcher
hapless = unfortunate; luckless
wan = having a pale or sickly color; pallid
saboteur = one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property;
N. sabotage: destruction of property (usually carried
out secretly)
curfew = regulation requiring all people to leave the
streets at stated times; signal (as a bell) announcing the
hour of a curfew
pariah = social outcast; Ex. Mariah the pariah
slake = satisfy (thirst); quench; sate
unfeigned = genuine; real
plebeian = common; vulgar; pertaining to the common
people; N: common people in ancient Rome; CF. patrician
mock = ridicule; deride; imitate often in derision
coincidence = the chance occurrence, at the same time, of
two or more seemingly connected events; V. coincide:
happen at the same time; be in agreement; CF. coincident;
CF. coincidental
impregnate = make pregnant; fill thoroughly; saturate
vacuous = empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid; Ex. vacuous
expression; N. vacuity
unobtrusive = inconspicuous; not blatant
devotee = enthusiastic follower; enthusiast; Ex. devotee
of Bach
veer = change in direction; swerve
resonant = (of a sound) echoing; resounding(sounding
loudly); deep and full in sound; producing resonance;
Ex. resonant voice; N. resonance
bullion = gold and silver in the form of bars
somber = dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF.
amble = walking at an easy unhurried pace; V: walk
slowly and aimlessly
impecunious = without money
spectral = ghostly; N. specter: spectre; ghost; phantom
dichotomy = division into two opposite parts; split;
branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones)
hovel = shack; small wretched house
artful = exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning; CF. artifice
deputize = work or appoint as a deputy; N. deputy: person
who has the power to take charge when the leading
person is away
responsiveness = state of reacting readily to appeals, orders,
etc.; ADJ. responsive: readily reacting; Ex. responsive
to treatment
precipice = cliff; dangerous position; Ex. on the edge of
the precipice
bauble = trinket; cheap jewel; trifle
primate = group of mammals including humans
sterile = incapable of producing young; free from microorganism;
V. sterilize
occult = mysterious; secret; supernatural; beyond human
comprehension; CF. mysterious to human ?; OP. bare
opus = work (esp. musical composition); Ex. magnum
opus: masterpiece; CF. opera
fringe = decorative edge of hanging threads; edge
whet = sharpen; stimulate; Ex. whet someone.s appetite
knoll = little round hill; hillock
graphite = black form of carbon used in lead pencils
diadem = crown
peripatetic = walking about from place to place (to work);
moving; Ex. peripatetic school of philosophy
tenet = doctrine; dogma
aloft = upward; high up in the air
nautical = pertaining to ships or navigation
acknowledge = recognize; admit
ulcer = sore place appearing on the skin inside or outside
the body; Ex. stomach ulcer; ADJ. ulcerous; V. ulcerate
propound = put forth for consideration or analysis; set
forth; Ex. propound a problem/theory
affront = insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V:
insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally
accelerate = move faster
beseech = beg; plead with
prototype = original work used as a model by others
aver = state confidently; declare as true
simile = comparison of one thing with another, using the
word like or as
unravel = disentangle; solve
deprecate = express disapproval of; deplore; protest
against; belittle; ADJ. deprecatory
ramification = branching out; subdivision; one branch of
a system; one of the results following from an action or
decision; Ex. ramifications of a business/the decision
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