bandy = discuss lightly or glibly; discuss in a frivolous
manner; exchange (words) heatedly; quarrel; Ex. bandy
words with
disembark = debark; go ashore (from a ship); unload
cargo from a ship; CF. embark
blush = become red in the face (from embarrassment or
shame); become red or rosy; N.
abash = embarrass
prevail = be widespread; triumph over; gain victory; prevail
on: persuade; induce; Ex. Justice has prevailed; Ex.
prevail on someone to do something
raze = destroy completely; Ex. raze the city to the ground
diaphanous = sheer; transparent
mystic = of hidden meaning and spiritual power; Ex.
mystic ceremonies; N. CF. mysticism
concoct = prepare by mixing or combining; make up in
concert; devise (something false) so as to deceive; Ex.
concoct an elaborate excuse for being late; N. concoction
guffaw = boisterous laughter; V.
affiliation = joining; associating with
trigger = set off; start
emollient = soothing or softening remedy (for the skin);
wilt = loose freshness; droop
iota = very small quantity
quash = crush; suppress; squash; subdue; annul; Ex.
quash a rebellion/the decision of the low court
fleece = wool coat of a sheep; V: shear the fleece from; rob
by a trick; swindle; plunder
spoilsport = one who spoils the pleasure of others
protrude = stick out; jut; project; Ex. protruding teeth
ellipsis = omission of words from a text; mark used to indicate
an omission (when the meaning can be understood
without them); PL. ellipses
clasp = hold firmly within arms
demeanor = behavior; bearing
vassal = in feudalism, one who held land of a superior
lord; subordinate or dependent
stumble = trip and almost fall; proceed unsteadily; act falteringly;
fastidious = difficult to please; squeamish; fussy; finicky
brittle = hard but easily broken; difficult; unstable; Ex.
brittle situation
dogged = determined; stubborn; stubbornly persevering;
tenacious; Ex. Inspector Javert.s dogged pursuit of Jean
bully = one who is habitually cruel to weaker people; V.
fluster = confuse; make nervous and confused; N.
desultory = aimless; haphazard; digressing at random
reimburse = repay; pay back
raucous = (of voice) harsh and unpleasant; (of people)
disorderly and boisterous; Ex. raucous shouts
baleful = evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having
a malign influence; portending evil; ominous;
threatening; Ex. baleful look
noose = loop formed in a rope
clamber = climb by crawling with difficulties; scramble
accede = agree
fertile = producing many young, fruits, or seeds; (of land)
producing good crops; V. fertilize
staccato = played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt
sharp sound; Ex. staccato applause
weather = pass safely through (a storm or difficult period);
endure the effects of weather or other forces
cozen = cheat; hoodwink; swindle
redress = remedy; compensation; Ex. seek redress for the
damage to your car; V: put right; remedy or rectify (a
wrong); make amends for
d´enouement = final outcome; final development of the
plot of a play or other literary work; the end of a story
when everything is explained
subjective = influenced by personal feelings; occurring or
taking place within the mind; unreal; Ex. subjective sensation
of the ghostly presence
decoy = lure or bait; V.
exempt = not subject to a duty or obligation; free from a
duty; V.
qualify = reach a necessary standard; limit the meaning
of something stated
inroad = hostile invasion; advance that lessens the quantity
or difficulty of something; Ex. The long illness made
serious inroads on his savings; CF. raid
apiarist = person who keeps bees
deign = condescend; stoop
travesty = copy or example of something that completely
misrepresents the true nature of the real thing; comical
parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something
appear ridiculous; Ex. travesty of justice; OP.
scrap = small bit or fragment; discarded waste material;
fight; Ex. a scrap of paper/cloth; V: break into parts for
disposal; discard as worthless; fight; quarrel
inconsequential = insignificant; unimportant
reconcile = make friendly again (after quarrel); make consistent
(two ideas in opposition); correct inconsistencies;
Ex. reconcile one.s political principles with one.s religious
bevy = large group; Ex. a bevy of starlets
evoke = call forth (memory or feeling); Ex. That old film
evoked memories of my childhood; N. evocation
legislature = legislating branch of government; CF. legislate:
make laws
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