(1) minutiae
1) property inherited from a father
2) stamp-collector
3) petty or trivial details
4) downward slope
(2) sluice
1) deluge
2) artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)
3) meantime
4) confuse
(3) grapple
1) cause to become sick
2) long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking
3) risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements
4) wrestle
(4) char
1) collection (of writings or information)
2) rude, insensitive person
3) make or become black by burning
4) (of a liquid) thick and sticky
(5) vernal
1) liberate
2) pertaining to spring
3) steal things of small value
4) indulge
(6) remittance
1) cheating
2) remitting of money
3) journey
4) debauched person
(7) salutary
1) temporary moderation (of disease symptoms)
2) intense sexual desire
3) honor at a festival
4) tending to improve
(8) default
1) reprove severely
2) failure to act
3) large three-masted sailing ship
4) admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote)
(9) cornucopia
1) tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.
2) horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain
3) good-natured
4) wetland
(10) incriminate
1) agreement between two groups or people
2) accuse of or implicate in a crime
3) mushy(sentimental) and gushy
4) like a lion
(11) import
1) tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)
2) take apart
3) introductory
4) significance
(12) scruple
1) excessive indulgence of one's own desire
2) base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down
3) hesitate for ethical reasons
4) unconscious
(13) viscous
1) (of a liquid) thick and sticky
2) journey
3) penitent
4) get one's bearings
(14) volition
1) act of using one's will
2) compelling
3) elliptic
4) embarrass
(15) perdition
1) fixed portion
2) one who harvests grain
3) damnation
4) (particular form of) political organization
(16) provision
1) gentle breeze
2) act of providing
3) necessary requirement
4) detached plant shoot used in grafting
(17) correlate
1) reckon
2) either of the correlated things
3) make secure against damage or loss
4) deprived of (someone beloved through death)
(18) proverb
1) steep
2) fantastically improbable
3) adage
4) assent
(19) embryonic
1) undeveloped
2) beginning
3) dig
4) crystal clear
(20) noncommittal
1) lean and angular
2) counterfeit
3) neutral
4) nourishing substance
(21) askew
1) provide food and drink (for)
2) crookedly
3) destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period)
4) break a promise
(22) divest
1) strip (as of clothes)
2) be annoyed or vexed
3) unable to be doubted
4) firm dislike
(23) wrangle
1) affected
2) ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
3) oversimplified
4) quarrel noisily
(24) decry
1) retaliation
2) place or condition of bliss
3) express strong disapproval of
4) mixture
(25) begrudge
1) work together
2) determination
3) envy
4) childish
(1)3 (2)2 (3)4 (4)3 (5)2 (6)2 (7)4 (8)2 (9)2 (10)2 (11)4 (12)3 (13)1 (14)1 (15)3 (16)2 (17)2 (18)3 (19)1 (20)3 (21)2 (22)1 (23)4 (24)3 (25)3