(1) factitious
1) privilege
2) transient
3) an act of yielding
4) artificial
(2) geniality
1) oversensitive
2) state with less truth than seems warranted by the facts
3) eye defect which prevents proper focus
4) cheerfulness
(3) metaphor
1) assumed
2) implied comparison
3) suitable for drinking
4) employed
(4) annotate
1) causing insensitivity to pain
2) able to see differences
3) comment
4) overlook
(5) extenuate
1) supplicatory prayer
2) death notice (esp. in a newspaper)
3) weaken
4) right or privilege granted by authority
(6) unassailable
1) tiny
2) mental calmness
3) not open to attack
4) mechanism that imitates actions of humans
(7) recession
1) joining
2) withdrawal
3) case for a sword blade
4) measure
(8) prime
1) minor quarrel
2) belief on slight evidence
3) period of ideal or peak condition
4) easy to approach
(9) vociferous
1) long narrow container for feeding farm animals
2) clamorous
3) artistic
4) letter
(10) docket
1) program as for trial
2) dictionary
3) not earthly
4) strong longing to travel
(11) clamber
1) offer formally
2) climb by crawling with difficulties
3) dig up
4) insane
(12) oculist
1) physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
2) opening
3) thin liquid porridge
4) not to be taken away
(13) pathos
1) tender sorrow
2) man employed to take care of horses
3) bind as servant or apprentice to master
4) small piece or mark
(14) cubicle
1) lack of self-confidence or courage
2) recognize
3) reservoir or water tank
4) small chamber used for sleeping or work
(15) surreptitious
1) ability to foresee future happenings
2) dig out of the ground
3) not fully worked out or developed
4) done secretly
(16) expiate
1) logically convincing
2) excessively or elaborately decorated
3) make amends for (a sin)
4) devout
(17) chase
1) ornament a metal surface by indenting
2) unfortunate accident
3) turn aside
4) boorish
(18) reiterate
1) object of general attention
2) good judgment with composure
3) noisy confusion
4) repeat
(19) emancipate
1) practical (as opposed to idealistic)
2) flexible
3) set free
4) total failure
(20) decorous
1) proper (in behavior, conduct, or appearance)
2) unattractive
3) come together
4) monumental tomb
(21) scintilla
1) suggest a meaning not expressed
2) in good condition
3) trace
4) dark
(22) cordon
1) disposed to revenge
2) person celebrated for wisdom
3) insert between
4) extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
(23) rejuvenate
1) motivate
2) soft food made by boiling oatmeal
3) cause to accept a doctrine without questioning it
4) make young again
(24) attrition
1) narrate or tell (a story)
2) rubbing away by friction
3) (of someone) suspicious
4) making a harsh noise
(25) cavalcade
1) secret
2) immature
3) procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages
4) object to be thrown or projected
(1)4 (2)4 (3)2 (4)3 (5)3 (6)3 (7)2 (8)3 (9)2 (10)1 (11)2 (12)1 (13)1 (14)4 (15)4 (16)3 (17)1 (18)4 (19)3 (20)1 (21)3 (22)4 (23)4 (24)2 (25)3