Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flipkart Offfer

Saturday, October 15, 2016



Meaning :
clear from blame; free from blame or accusation (with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate; justify or support; avenge; Ex. vindicate one's client; Ex. vindicate one's claim; CF. vindicator
(verb) show to be right by providing justification or proof

Sentence :
Gregory, as if to vindicate his master, rolled on to his back and began to wave all four legs in the air.

Synonyms :

Antonyms :
accuse, blame, convict, punish, sentence

Mnemonic Technique 1 :
vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case)....so when you win a case IN a COURT...it means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND CHARGES...you are freed from blame.

Mnemonic Technique 2 :
take it like WIN THE CASE=VINDICATE;and this means you are happy tht you won the case wn you are clear from blame

More Examples :
You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel
vindicate the rights of the citizens