Meaning :
voracious; ravenous; taking everything one can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on live prey; Ex. rapacious birds
(adj.) devouring or craving food in great quantities
Sentence :
edacious vultures", "a rapacious appetite", "ravenous as wolves", "voracious sharks
Synonyms :
avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, marauding, murderous, predatory, preying, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious
Antonyms :
gentle, innocent, kind, mild, nonviolent, tame, tender
Mnemonic Technique 1 :
Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully
Mnemonic Technique 2 :
read rapacious as rupeecious so a person who is greedy must have rupees on his mind.
More Examples :
a rapacious divorcee on the prowl", "ravening creditors", "paying taxes to voracious governments
a predatory bird", "the rapacious wolf", "raptorial birds", "ravening wolves", "a vulturine taste for offal