Meaning :
depart secretly and hide
(Verb) To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution.
Sentence :
The two male occupants of the car then absconded from the vehicle with officers giving chase.
Synonyms :
Antonyms :
abide, continue, endure, give up, remain, stay, stop, yield
Mnemonic Technique 1 :
abs + cond (condition) : I should have six pack abs is an important condition before she can abscond with me.
Mnemonic Technique 2 :
absCOND sounds like abs'KAND'..when you do KAND you run away, depart secretly and hide :)
More Examples :
An enquiry has been ordered to find out the circumstances in which he was able to abscond with so many guards around.
Absconded to avoid paying their bill.