GRE/CAT Vocabulary List 4
ordain = decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine;
install as a minister, priest, or rabbi; N. ordainment;
CF. ordination
noisome = foul smelling; very unpleasant; unwholesome
semblance = outward appearance; guise; Ex. We called
in the troops to bring a/some semblance of order to the
assert = state strongly or positively; demand recognition
of (rights, claims, etc.); make a claim to (by forceful action);
Ex. assert one.s independence
calamity = disaster; misery
foil = defeat; frustrate; prevent from being successful;
thwart; CF. fail
invocation = prayer for help (used in invoking); calling
upon as a reference or support; act of invoking
retaliate = repay in kind (usually for bad treatment); V.
complicity = participation; involvement (in a questionable
act or a crime)
tangible = able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable;
possible to realize or understand; Ex. tangible proof
numismatist = person who collects coins; N. numismatics:
study or collection of money, coins, and medals
supplant = take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace
progeny = children; offspring; descendants
list = tilt (as of a ship); lean over (to one side)
invoke = call and bring into use (a right or law); call
on/upon (a higher power or god) for help; ask for; beg
for; conjure (a spirit); Ex. invoke the veto power; Ex.
invoke one.s advisor/God
slither = slip or slide
precedent = something preceding in time which may be
used as an authority or guide for future action; V. precede;
CF. unprecedented
gaunt = lean and angular; thin and bony; emaciated; barren
dishearten = discourage
commensurate = equal in extent; of the same size
ethereal = like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly;
unusually refined; Ex. She has an ethereal beauty; CF.
ether: upper air
archaic = antiquated; no longer used; belonging to the
past; N.
longevity = long life; long duration
pan = criticize harshly
quintessence = purest and highest embodiment; perfect
example; apotheosis; most essential element; Ex.
quintessence of wit; ADJ. quintessential; CF. fifth
scanty = meager; insufficient
unseemly = unbecoming; not proper in behavior; indecent;
Ex. leave with unseemly haste
rebuff = reject bluntly; snub; beat back; Ex. She rebuffed
his invitation; N.
pulverize = crush or grind into very small particles
canny = shrewd in money matters; thrifty
influx = flowing into
overwrought = nervous or excited; extremely agitated;
hysterical; wrought-up; CF. wrought: made or done
clientele = body of customers
patent = obvious; easily seen; open for the public to read;
of or protected by a patent; Ex. patent to everyone; N.
wane = decrease in size or strength (after being full); grow
gradually to an end; Ex. The moon waxes and wanes
every month; N.
fetter = shackle; restrict the freedom of; N. chain or
shackle for the foot of a prisoner; CF. foot
regeneration = spiritual rebirth; Ex. regeneration of the
prisoners; V. regenerate: give or obtain new life; reform
pedagogy = teaching; art of education
jubilation = rejoicing; great joy
mete = measure; distribute; administer; Ex. mete out justice/
pulmonary = pertaining to the lungs
rift = narrow opening in a large mass; break in a friendly
relation; Ex. through a rift in the clouds; OP. reconcilation
exonerate = acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt
untoward = unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky;
Ex. untoward encounter
ramp = slope; inclined plane or roadway (connecting two
juncture = crisis; point in time; joining point; joint; act of
perspicuous = (of something) plainly expressed; easy to
understand; Ex. perspicuous comments
devoid = empty; lacking
prefigure = be a sign of; foreshadow
indicative = suggestive; implying; serving to indicate
denigrate = blacken; defame
lexicon = dictionary
sober = serious; solemn; not drunken; abstemious or temperate;
V: make or become sober
bode = foreshadow; portend
reparation = compensation (for loss or wrong); amends;
Ex. make reparation for the damage; CF. repair
odious = arousing strong dislike; hateful(causing hatred);
maraud = move in search of plunder; Ex. marauding
meager = scanty; inadequate
ceremonious = marked by formality; extremely formal
and polite; CF. ceremony: conventional social courtesy
autonomous = self-governing; N. autonomy
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