Welcome to CAT/GRE Vocabulary Building. This List/Test of vocabulary is for GRE, CAT etc verbal practice Test. This website has more than 2000 high-frequency CAT/GRE vocabulary words that have been picked from past CAT/GRE tests. It has lists of vocabulary words and also updated multiple choice vocabulary test to help you for GRE/CAT verbal exams. These can also be useful for one who is looking to improve his/her english vocabulary. So start improving vocabulary using these lists and tests. Practice makes perfect so hopefully these tests will provide those needed practice.
Vocabulary List - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009



evocative = tending to call up (emotions, memories)
titter = nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V.
glut = overstock; fill beyond capacity (with food); fill to
excess; N: oversupply
devious = roundabout; erratic; deviating from the
straight course; not straightforward; not completely
honest; Ex. devious route
imperturbable = unshakably calm; placid
husbandry = frugality; thrift; economy; agriculture; farming;
Ex. animal husbandry; CF. husbandman
ingrate = ungrateful person (not expressing thanks)
comport = bear one.s self; behave; Ex. comport oneself;
N. comportment
reprobation = severe disapproval; CF. approbation
arch- = chief; first; Ex. archbishop
incendiary = arsonist; ADJ: causing fire; of arson; Ex. incendiary
glossary = brief explanation of words used in the text
helm = steering wheel of a ship; position of control
pretext = excuse
solvent = able to pay all depths; N. solvency
nauseous = causing nausea; feeling nausea
valor = bravery; ADJ. valiant: possessing valor; brave
impasse = predicament(dangerous condition) from
which there is no escape; situation allowing for no
further progress
foreboding = premonition of evil; feeling of coming evil;
V. forebode: be a warning of (something unpleasant)
copious = plentiful
overturn = turn over; capsize; topple
fawning = courting favor by cringing and flattering; V.
fawn: exhibit affection as a dog; seek favor or attention
by obsequiousness
allegory = story, play, or picture in which characters are
used as symbols; fable
retain = keep; maintain possession of; employ (esp. a
lawyer or advisor); N. retainer: servant; fee paid to retain
an advisor
mimicry = imitation
extrinsic = external; not essential or inherent; extraneous;
OP. intrinsic
duration = length of time something lasts
truism = self-evident truth
absolve = pardon (an offense)
arsenal = storage place for military equipment
centrifugal = radiating; departing from the center
alms = money or goods given to the poor
shrew = scolding woman; very small mouselike animal
sordid = filthy; foul; base; vile; Ex. sordid bed/story
franchise = right or privilege granted by authority; right
to vote; license to sell a product in a particular territory
enhance = increase; make greater (as in value, reputation,
or usefulness); improve
anesthetic = substance that removes sensation with or
without loss of consciousness; N. anesthesia
decadence = decay; fall to a lower level (of morality, civilization,
or art); ADJ. decadent
ejaculation = exclamation; abrupt ejection (to discharge
sperm); V. ejaculate
terse = concise; abrupt; pithy
vintner = wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine
labyrinth = maze
detain = keep waiting; prevent from leaving or going; N.
self-indulgence = excessive indulgence of one.s own desire
philology = study of language or words
recapitulate = summarize
odorous = having an odor
rustle = make slight sounds like silk moving or being
rubbed together
licentious = amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained
physiognomy = face (as showing the character and the
mind); art of judging human character from facial features
awful = terrible; very bad
ravenous = extremely hungry; voracious
earmark = set aside (money or time) for a particular purpose
unaccountable = unexplicable; impossible to account for;
unreasonable or mysterious
behoove(behove) = be suited to; be incumbent upon; be
right and necessary; Ex. It behooves one to do.
badger = pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade
by asking again and again; Ex. The children badgered
me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of
mountain animal
rumble = make or move with a deep rolling sound (as
thunder or stomach)
sojourn = temporary stay; V: stay for a time
myopic = nearsighted; lacking foresight; N. myopia
tortuous = winding; full of curves; Ex. tortuous mountain
cross = bad-tempered; showing ill-humor; angry
murmur = low, indistinct, continuous sound; V. CF. mumble
fret = be annoyed or vexed; Ex. fret over your poor
grades; N: irritation of mind; ADJ. fretful
gaffe = social blunder
divest = strip (as of clothes); deprive (as of rights); dispossess;
N. divestiture(divestment)
beatitude = blessedness; state of great happiness

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