sinecure = well-paid position with little responsibility;
CF. sine cure: without care; CF. San Serif
squat = short and thick; stocky; Ex. ugly squat tower; V.
unintimating = unfrightening
provocative = arousing anger or sexual interest; annoying;
Ex. provocative in tight jeans; V. provoke: incite to
anger; cause (an unpleasant action or feeling); N. provocation
discomfit = frustrate; put to rout; defeat; disconcert; embarrass;
tarry = linger; delay in starting or going; dawdle
prosperous = successful; rich; affluent; well-to-do; welloff
apotheosis = elevation to godhood; an ideal example of
pinnace = small boat
transition = going from one state of action to another
maudlin = effusively sentimental
chameleon = lizard that changes color in different situations
aspersion = slanderous remark; Ex. cast aspersions on
ape = imitate or mimic (a person.s behavior or manner)
render = give; deliver; provide; represent in verbal or
artistic form; depict; perform; make; translate; Ex. render
the song beautifully
galley = low ship with sails (rowed along by slaves)
curb = chain or strap used with a bit to restrain a horse;
something that checks; V: check; restrain
buffet = strike forcefully; slap; batter; knock out; N: table
with food set out for people to server themselves; meal
at which people help themselves to food that.s been set
seemly = (of behavior) proper; appropriate
decrepitude = state of collapse or weakness caused by illness
or old age
protuberance = protrusion; swelling; bulge
benefit = advantage; anything that brings helpl, advantage,
or profit; money provided by the government to
the people; fund-raising public entertainment; Ex. unemployment
benefit; V: receive benefits; be beneficial to;
give benefits
memorialize = commemorate
condign = adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved
oscillate = vibrate pendulumlike; waver
theoretical = based on theory; not practical or applied;
pundit = authority on a subject; expert; learned person
stereotype = one regarded as embodying a set image or
type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized
mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype
of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; represent
by a stereotype; Ex. It is wrong to stereotype people; Ex.
stereotyped answer
brawny = muscular; having well-developed muscles
surfeit = satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to
excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex.
surfeit of food
hazard = venture; put in danger; risk; Ex. hazard a guess;
N: possible source of danger
eloquence = expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent:
movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so
that the hearers can be influeneced
fanciful = whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by
imagination; Ex. fanciful scheme
factious = inclined to form factions; causing dissension
chassis = framework and working parts of an automobile;
framework to which components are attached
inopportune = untimely; inappropriate or ill-timed;
poorly chosen
alcove = nook; recess
vendetta = blood feud (esp. between two families); CF.
Nina Williams
nemesis = someone seeking revenge; source of downfall
or ruin; CF. Nemesis
accrue = come to one as a gain; accumulate over time;
come about by addition; Ex. benefits that accrue from
scientific research; Ex. interest accruing in a bank account;
N. accrual
undertaker = funeral director; one whose business is to
arrange burials
complementary = serving to complete something
jingoist = extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike
chauvinist; N. jingoism: extreme nationalism
aquiline = curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex.
aquiline nose
lofty = very high
mordant = biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive;
cutting; Ex. mordant pen/wit
bombast = grandiloquent, pompous speech
shift = change position or place; exchange (one thing) for
another; change in direction or position; Ex. shift the
stolen goods; N. group of workers which takes turns
with other groups; working period of such a group
deft = neat; skillful
homily = sermon; tedious moralizing lecture; serious
warning; ADJ. homiletic
rankle = irritate; fester; annoy
mingle = mix together in close association
indeterminate = uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite
rotundity = roundness; sonorousness of speech
enumerate = list; mention one by one
congenial = pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one.s
tastes and nature; Ex. congenial weather
gist = essence; main point; substance
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