GRE/CAT Vocabulary List 6
choreography = art of representing dances in written
symbols; arrangement of dances
furor = frenzy; great anger and excitement; CF. fury
obituary = death notice (esp. in a newspaper); ADJ.
dialectical = relating to the art of debate; mutual or reciprocal;
Ex. dialectical situation; N. dialectic: art of arriving
at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments
oratorio = dramatic poem set to music; long musical work
with singing but without acting; CF. cantata
sloth = slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness;
ADJ. slothful: lazy; indolent
simian = monkeylike; N: ape or monkey
inter = bury; N. interment
supersede = replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete;
N. supersession
coroner = public official who investigates any death
thought to be of other than natural causes
perspicuity = clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
succulent = juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; N:
succulent plant such as a cactus
ransack = search thoroughly; pillage (going through a
place); Ex. Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.
dorsal = relating to the back of an animal; Ex. dorsal fin
protean = able to take on many forms; versatile; CF. Proteus:
sea god to change his shape at will
conscientious = scrupulous; through and careful; Ex.
conscientious worker
gape = open widely; open the mouth wide; stare wonderingly
with the mouth open; CF. agape
perverse = purposely continuing to do something wrong;
stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted; directed away
from what is right; wicked and unacceptable; Ex. perverse
satisfaction; Ex. Hannibal Lecter in a perverse
mood; N. perversity
nexus = connection
mercantile = concerning trade or merchants
inestimable = impossible to estimate; (apprec) invaluable;
of immeasurable worth
quixotic = idealistic but impractical; CF. Don Quixote
antipathy = aversion; dislike or opposition
chaste = morally pure; virginal; abstaining from illicit sexual
acts; modest; simple (of a style of writing); not
highly decorated; austere
incident = event; event that causes a crisis
distraught = upset; distracted by anxiety; very anxious
and troubled almost to the point of madness; Ex. distraught
with grief/worry
recreant = disloyal; cowardly; N: disloyal and cowardly
disport = amuse; Ex. disport oneself; CF. divert
proxy = authorized agent; authority to act for another
leave-taking = farewell or departure
tender = offer formally; extend; Ex. tender one.s resignation/
the exact fare; N: formal offer; money; Ex. legal
tender; ADJ: young and vulnerable; sensitive to the
touch; sore; soft; delicate; Ex. child of tender years; Ex.
tender wound
brunt = main impact or shock (of an attack or blow); Ex.
brunt of the argument
junta = group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal;
group of military officers ruling a country after seizing
power (by force)
materialism = preoccupation with physical comforts and
things; excessive regard for worldly concerns (rather
than spiritual matters)
analgesic = causing insensitivity to pain; N.
jurisprudence = science of law
dossier = file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF.
bundle of papers labeled on the back
transparent = permitting light to pass through freely; easily
detected; obvious; clear; Ex. transparent lie
virulent = (of a disease or poison) extremely harmful or
poisonous; (of a feeling) hostile; bitter; N. virulence; CF.
virus; CF. venom
bluster = blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully;
speak in a noisy or bullying manner; CF. breeze, gust,
capacious = spacious
conspiracy = treacherous plot; secret plan against the law
(by two or more people)
lectern = reading desk or stand for a public speaker
aria = operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an
opera or oratorio
unique = without an equal; single in kind
posterity = descendants; future generations; Ex. go down
to posterity; CF. posterior, anterior
pacifist = one opposed to force; antimilitarist; ADJ. N.
pacifism: opposition to war as a means of resolving disputes
insatiable = not easily satisfied; unquenchable; Ex. insatiable
exhilarating = invigorating and refreshing; cheering; V.
exhilarate: make cheerful and excited; Ex. exhilarated
by the ride in the sports car
bohemian = unconventional (in an artistic way)
ignoble = unworthy; not noble; dishonorable; Ex. ignoble
career = rush wildly; go at full speed
zeal = eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal); ADJ. zealous
miscellany = mixture of writings on various subjects; collection
of various items
acquittal = deliverance from a charge; V. acquit: free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct(oneself) in a specified manner